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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. 1. That works. 2. I'd like one of those too ^_^
  2. Ahh, I thought it'd been too long since we had one of these posts... I don't know whether to feel nostalgic or delete this thread...
  3. Make sure you have the right chipset and graphics drivers. Really though, I agree with VaKo, if it can't actually do better than 16-bit colour then it's not much of a machine... still usable, no doubt, but not nice for playing games/image editing/watching videos...
  4. I hate cell phones! Mine's been switched off for the last... nearly 2 months...
  5. *fuzzy static/white noise* We now return you to the scheduled broadcast programming and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience. *cue Dr Who*
  6. (O_O) *projectile vomits* (¬_¬)
  7. I will need to see some ID... besides, he's a little... uh... tied up right now, would you like to leave a message?
  8. moonlit

    DVD burning

    That doesn't sound very legit to me but I generally think the worst... so... maybe?
  9. Ehh you know, technology might be eeeeeevil but it's really just a tool. Some people are called tools too. So, how's the weather where you are?
  10. Did you try the usual places? Hospital? Police station? Tried calling him? You know, he's had that cell phone for years and you still never call him...
  11. What the...? Yeah... Uhh... Welcome to the madness.
  12. It's my job to speak to people on here, apologies for shouting, thanks for changing it.
  13. moonlit

    DVD burning

    We do not support piracy here but since there's a chance that you could be downloading legal files (IPTV or home videos for example) I'll let this thread live. If I see this turn any more towards piracy it's getting locked.
  14. I think we're done here. ZacharyG: You've been banned before and you can just as easily be banned again. Before you say anything vaguely inflammatory again on here or the IRC think very carefully... You should know by now we're gonna be watching your ass, look at your past record.
  15. Oh, no question... it sounds so cliché but the eyes do actually tell you an awful lot in my opinion... just get that stare and see what you find... you'll be amazed...
  16. Amen Vako. Amen both. I can't stand to be around girls who don't have the ability to have a reasonable conversation, even as friends so I'd probably die if I had a girl with a brick wall personality for a partner...
  17. Sounds like you're either logged in as the wrong/limited user or your user profile is borked...
  18. I don't think you can do that unless VirtualDub has a feature specifically for that. If you have multi-monitors, nVidia drivers have a feature to output overlay video to a given monitor which would accomplish exactly what you want, though I don't know off hand whether VirtualDub's preview windows use overlay... I have a feeling though that they don't and if that's the case then it's either Windows Magnifier or you're SoL.
  19. You're an idiot. I was going to explain why I think this but I'm sure most people can figure it out.
  20. moonlit

    Gather IP

    Yeah, you can also netstat before the transfer, click the button to send the file, wait a few seconds then netstat again... then all you gotta do is play spot the difference...
  21. I have a feeling this could get ugly. I'm going to attempt to save the day by suggesting that he probably meant that he'd like to try OSx86 on his non-Apple x86-based personal computer... As you were, ladies and gentlemen.
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