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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. moonlit

    Netowork Proxy

    ahhh yeah, well said... and it had to be said again to be honest, people don't seem to be LISTENING.
  2. moonlit


    Well each to his own, I'm sorry you didn't like your experience in #hak5 but we try to keep it as clean as possible and to be honest 12 lines of code as a hello isn't really how we do things... You're welcome back if ever you feel like trying again but don't paste anything longer than 5 lines, especially as a 'hello'.
  3. moonlit


    You got a 5 second ban to prevent auto-rejoining since auto-rejoining defeats the point of a kick... you're no longer banned. In case you wondered though, the reason you got kicked in the first place is because you entered the channel and immediately pasted 12 lines of ASM. This is what we call spam. As for uptight ops, I'd disagree with the term uptight, 12 lines of code in a fairly public channel is a reasonable reason to get kicked... just ask anyone in #hak5 and they'll tell you they dislike IRC spam. We welcome users in #hak5 but there's no no-one likes people who paste crap in to the channel for no sensible reason.
  4. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3636 http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3660 Do we have enough Bond threads yet? Come on people, use your eyes... READ, goddamn it...
  5. It was abandoned... but... I found the source files! So... it might be back on... keep an eye out, I'll see what I can do...
  6. Something like that, I'm not sure if it's one < or two << but that's the basic idea, yeah...
  7. I believe you can feed info by using the opposite method to printing to a file: commandhere.exe <<filehere.txt Probably not the correct syntax but basically the right idea...
  8. Oh for crying out loud... Sing a song of six-pence, a pocket full of rye, Gonna take a sharp pin and stick it in your eye...!
  9. Yeah I had that problem for ages but it was recently fixed, or was fxed as far as I could tell...
  10. Don't you kids have something better to do? Like... wait in line for a Wii or PS3 or something?
  11. You didn't even look at your screen while starting this thread, did you?
  12. Smart we are, affected by flattery we are not... ;)
  13. Because it's far too slow and only accepts iSO files for input, even then you gotta tweak some ini files to make it work
  14. Nah that's shit, Cedega's a lot quicker... if you're going for quality though you'll probably prefer TrueCrypt.
  15. Don't like the one-button mouse? Buy a mouse with more buttons! Seriously though, I don't have a problem with using only one button, it's really not so bad.
  16. Which usually ends up with it being shoved ____________ and having large amounts of water pumped through it at high pressure, he usually calms down after that...
  17. Oh, never a truer word spoken, I keep trying to find ways to phrase that... thanks ;)
  18. If anyone answers this seriously I won't be pleased... this is just fucking immature and is gonna cause him a huge pain in the ass (granted, that's what you actually want)... What if someone did this to you? You'd be pissed, right? Think about this shit before you consider doing it to someone. Besides all that, I keep hearing people say "help me hack my friend's pc" or "help me piss off my friend"... If you're even considering this crap you're clearly not very good friends, are you?
  19. Yeah I quite agree... I haven't actually *expected* gifts since I was about 16 (I'm 20 now)... some might say I shouldn't have expected them at all but that's another conversation... I don't expect to get much at all this christmas and if I can at all help if I won't be giving anything either, besides perhaps something really quite cheap... The only thing I like about christmas for adults is the thought that you're encouraged to get together, get smashed, eat heartily and have a damn good time for once in the year... it doesn't always work that was of course but the idea's nice...
  20. wow um wow. girls arnt dogs man. Perhaps its not that they dont understand, maybe they just dont care about all that techo geek babble. My fiance is the smartest person I know. She just doesnt give a shit about linux, unix, or whatever else i happen to find myself talking about. honestly. Hell yeah, if a girl doesn't seem to be reacting to what you're saying she's probably bored out of her skull listening to you babble on about RAM, ROM, kernel panics and floppy disk drives (innuendo aside)... Granted, there are girls who are as thick as two short planks but to be honest that's not because they're female, it's because they're just not the learning type... and don't forget that applies to males too...
  21. Hahah! I know exactly what you mean, being a geek (however social) does cause enough problems when you automatically talk about tech or the technical implications/technical angle on things... I think it's a comfort thing partly because if you're feeling kinda awkward it's real easy to talk about something you're right at home with. I also try real hard not to talk about it though, I tend to fail on a fairly regular basis because it is, for all intents and purposes, my life... I can easily talk about other things, just seems my default is tech... If there's a conversation about society or the world at large, providing it's not too political I'm right in there... Basically anything that's not brain-numbingly stupid is conversation matter for me really so providing it's not "zomg that girl at the chemist's is so hawt... zomg my new riced out car is so awesome I'm gonna go pick up some chickz!" I'm all good... I can talk about most subjects easily though if someone else starts the conversation, but that fails a bit if I'm in company that are also shy but wouldn't want to talk tech because no-one says anything at all beyond some small talk.
  22. It would be pretty damn disturbing... ...though it would be an interesting 'social experiment' or 'reality TV show'... ...personal opinion witheld.
  23. Are you proposing a Pudsey snuff movie?
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