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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. mIRC! Windows only but it nearly works in Wine, it just has trouble redrawing the user list sometimes...
  2. Actually I think Pat Norton seems like a pretty sorted bloke, I'd drink with him down the pub any day from what I've seen of him,
  3. Are you using a proxy? Has/have your connection/browsers/internet setup been hijacked? Are you using unsecured wireless?
  4. moonlit


    *sigh* ... just *sigh* that is all.
  5. moonlit

    Netowork Proxy

    I finally dug up the effort to read your mammoth post and to be honest to some degree I see where you're coming from. However it's apparent that kids aren't seeking knowledge, they're seeking MySpace and YouTube... I don't see that as a valid reason to bypass school filters which are there for a reason, whatever that reason my be. If it is within the power of an admin to help you access a site that is going to help you with a school project then a lot of the time they will. I'm certainly not a 'robot' and nor am I a punk. I stand by the points I made because they are valid. If you do hack a school system you risk losing access to certain facilities that will allow you to complete your education and as a result you risk leaving school with those pieces of paper that allow you to get a better job that requires intelligence. That's not always the case I'll grant you and it isn't impossible to get a worthwhile job without them but why waste a chance on trying to look up porn or your latest blog comment? I'm completely aware of the other side of the story as it happens. I've been there, I've seen what admins can do if they catch you doing something you're not supposed to be doing on a school computer. I can almost guarentee I've been banned from more schools' IT facilities than almost anyone on this board so I think I'm qualified to say what I've said. Remember school facilities are not yours to do what you wish with they are school and/or government property (depending on where you are) and as such you may not use them as you see fit. You wouldn't suddenly decide to hire a car and use it to street race so why would you do this? I understand that you disagree with certain aspects of the education system where you currently reside and you may even appear somewhat bitter that you're getting the bum deal but that's not the case for everyone.
  6. Is this spam? Well... I guess in a way it is even if the poster's real, XRUMER is a forum autosubmitter. You know, like those ones spammers use? Like the spammers that fill this place with crap daily? Ahem. But no, no I don't know where to find it. Google's a click away so if you're real then go to it. I have a feeling this dude's a bot.
  7. In my personal opinion since these USB hacks are PoC if you can't work them out either on your own or with a little prod in the right direction then you shouldn't be using them.
  8. IIRC sending files via net send isn't supported from Windows XP Service Pack 2 and later
  9. moonlit

    tom is sad

    It was him! I never touched it! What do you mean, DVD+R? Never heard of them! ...I bet all these people pretending not to know anything about the web, I bet they're uber-pirates...
  10. Heheh, I'll be waiting with the ban stick ;) (kidding, I'm kidding people ;))
  11. Cleaning your machine is always a good thing but I will say I don't personally think the problem was mIRC itself and while I don't generally trust 'add on packs' or 'power packs' I don't think that was related to your virus. I think the !PING thing was a function of the mIRC Power Pack though...
  12. Hmm... I haven't found a problem with mIRC itself, I'd be tempted to say it was something to do with the power pack... feel free to mosey on back in whenever you feel, hopefully that was the issue...
  13. That should work, I think the problem will disappear with a different client but there's probably a way to disable the power pack if you'd prefer to still use mIRC. You might want to try uninstalling mIRC and reinstalling with a fresh copy from www.mirc.com. Also now I know you're dealing with it you can come on in and try it, I won't ban you now because I know you're trying to fix it. :)
  14. This is the part we see when someone used !PING and it's the part we wanna get rid of... I'm not sure what's causing it but I can only assume it's a script that's defined somewhere in your client.
  15. Hey it's no problem, let's hope we can get it sorted and have you back in there... In case you didn't see what sets off the script, it seems that !PING (whatever goes here) makes your client respond with /me <ping response>. You're unbanned again for the moment so if you think you've got it nailed come on back and we'll try again :) Which client are you using? Perhaps there's a script that installed somewhere... I don't know about anything other than mIRC but hopefully someone else here will know what the deal is.
  16. Hey it's no problem, I'd noticed you had a couple of scripts running like ping and such but until today nothing had been sent to #hak5. I'll unban you when I've finished this message but I'd ask that you turn those scripts off while in #hak5 if you don't mind :) Sorry for any inconvenience caused, welcome back :) Edit: Unbanned.
  17. Uh... Oreans, eh? Funny... what's in that package?
  18. moonlit

    rip dvds

    Video requires power. That's the end of that conversation really, encoding/transcoding video will eat your CPU cycles for breakfast especially on a lower end system. You would expect something like this to kill your CPU, you're processing a hell of a lot of data there and your CPU's gonna work flat out until it's done.
  19. I know a number of Hak5 viewers use BT but I'm not sure I know of any that would do this... so... I dunno... Also consider the use of a proxy or TOR, the vandal may not be actually using BT.
  20. Ooh, Apple style marketing, eh?
  21. No idea... corrupt language config?
  22. isn't .acl something to do with Windows user accounts? Edit: No, it's nothing to do with that apparently but it's an Office auto-correct list... so it's the list Office reads from to correct your mis-spelt words I should imagine.
  23. moonlit

    Netowork Proxy

    Sorry for posting this in a second message but I didn't wanna make the last one any longer and I didn't see this before I posted it. After reading this message I wonder how you can expect anyone to help you at all now... You actually intentionally tried to piss off the admin?! How dumb can you get?! You're not even skirting around the issue just doing things you're not supposed to, you're getting right to the point and TRYING to get suspended... The point is not to try to take the admin down a peg or two, that's exactly the wrong way about it. If you think there's a vulnerability then speak to him about it, don't piss him off. If you piss him off he's even LESS likely to listen to you and even less likely to take you seriously... Admins, as with any technical people, do not like to be proven wrong by an idiot but they're usually very open to suggestions on how to improve something but they will do what they can if you piss them off and they can do an awful lot if they choose to. See the previous messages in this thread and stop being such an idiot.
  24. moonlit

    Netowork Proxy

    There's topics that have been beaten to death that we KNOW are really, really easy to find on Google (or your favourite search engine). People don't bother, they just head to a forum, in this case us, and expect to be spoon-fed exactly the kind of stuff that we think is a complete waste of time or stuff that's easily found on Google. Filters are present for a reason... School facilities are there to enable you to complete your school work, not to read the latest Digg story or go play Yahoo Pool or warez some movies. Sure, some admins may not be aware of certain important sites that are banned but shouldn't be, but maybe you might want to try talking to them about it rather than trying to fight the protection. They'll be more willing to help you if you help them but if you get caught circumventing filters they'll (rightly) come down on you like a ton of bricks... Lastly if you're going to be this dumb I hope you do get caught. Seriously, by doing this you risk losing your access to school computer facilities AT THE LEAST. You can be suspended or expelled for it too. Ultimately this could (as much as you try to ignore it or think it doesn't matter) affect your WHOLE LIFE. Think about it; you loose computing privileges... then you fail a class... then you don't have what you need for further education, then you don't have the paper to get that neat job, then you have no money, no house, no car, no booze or girlfriend either. It sounds extreme but it can happen. I lost my ability to use school computers on many occasions and it made it VERY hard to complete my work and especially hard during a computing (IT or ICT) lesson... That led to me almost failing to reach the entry requirements for college which would mean I'd have very little going for me in terms of qualifications righ now if my first college hadn't been so forgiving. So in short, don't do it. It's not worth it, it's not clever, it's not funny, it pisses off everyone here and it'll piss off your admin who CAN and WILL act on it.
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