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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Google isn't going to bite you. It means In My Humble Opinion.
  2. .gif is the only format that most forums accept that can be animated.
  3. ...hex editing to reduce the file size? ...wtf? ...save it to another format or reduce the number of colours/size/frame rate.
  4. I can think of a few non-legit reasons...
  5. moonlit


    USBShowShutdown v1.1 Displays the standard Windows shutdown box upon removal of the USB storage device. http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/USBShow - Binary, Win32 http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/USBDisplayShutdown.rar - Source, Visual Basic 6 Edit: Updated to v1.1, Logoff.dat no longer required.
  6. I'm ashamed to be my age, I'm ashamed to be male, I'm ashamed to be human. Just... gah.
  7. moonlit


    In my infinite boredom I thought I'd have a crack at this myself: USBLock v1.1 This tool locks the workstation when you remove the device. http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/USBLock.rar - Binary, Win32 http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/Lock.rar - Source, Visual Basic 6 USBLogoff v1.1 Pretty much the same as USBLock, except that instead of locking the machine it logs off. http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/USBLogoff.rar - Binary, Win32 http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/Logoff.rar - Source, Visual Basic 6 Edit: Updated to v1.1, Logoff.dat no longer required.
  8. moonlit

    IRC help

    irc.techphile.ca and irc.hak5.org are two different servers that are linked.
  9. moonlit

    IRC help

    Apparently it's been having problems, there's a thread about it somewhere... If all else fails try connecting to irc.techphile.ca and joining #hak5... it's the same place but via a different route.
  10. Yes, we know there are millions of bot accounts all over this place, we're working on it. Every time a spam message is posted one of us dependable and ever-present mods comes and kills it, logs its name and IP and then they all get taken to a large room and sprayed with bullets.
  11. Very nice Cooper and very nice Derek, loved the episode but I agree you couldn't said a little more about what you had left and stuff, on the whole though not a bad episode. Joined the forums the other day too :D
  12. then it's problem with your settings, connections or sound card.
  13. Have you used this mic on this machine before? Some mics won't work on some machines for some reason, I have a mic that refuses to work on this computer, I have to run it through a mixer first... Try another mic, any mic will do, just to verify that the input works and the settings are correct.
  14. moonlit


    Wow, they have to bribe kids to get them to take exams now? I give up...
  15. moonlit


    Kind of I guess, but you can be Office certified here too, there's a million courses to say you can operate Office though, the ECDL is supposed to be a general way to say "hey, I can function in front of a computer, I can use Office, I can use Windows, I can use the internet and email".
  16. moonlit


    European Computer Driving License. In short, a bullshit way to say "I can operate MS Office and other applications that everyone should know how to use anyways".
  17. It's been borking for around the last day or so, give or take, it had a massive session where people were timing out/rejoining (and repeat, over and over)... in short, something's borked... I got on right away using irc.hak5.org about 20 minutes ago, seems to have stabilised.
  18. I'd like to go, you know, but I don't fancy a 5 figure debt... I don't know about the education side but all I've really heard about uni is it's a great place to meet people and... well... get absolutely hammered on a fairly regular basis... I mean... that's all good, but £x,000 debt? meh...
  19. ...or worse seriously injure or even kill yourself. If you're not comfortable/experienced with working around mains (or any) electricity then please get someone who is to help you. As always be careful but have fun. :)
  20. Just had a conversation on IRC about really really cheap 'disco lights' and I thought I may as well post up here 'cos it's cool... Aim: To make some lights that sync to music for as cheap as possible and as simply as possible. Requirements: A reasonably powerful amplifier, some wire, a few spare xmas light bulbs or flashlight bulbs. Method: First of all attatch two wires to your light bulb(s), one on each of the two terminals/wires. Plug the other ends of the wires in to the speaker output of the amplifier, adding a compatible connector if required. Polarity (which way round they go, + and -) isn't important. Add a couple of lights to the left channel output and a couple on the right channel for an interesting effect. Connect your amp to a suitable sound source. I used the rear channel of my sound card because that way I can easily have my lights and my audio on at the same time without any messing about. Turn on your amplifier, turn down the volume and play some music. Slowly turn up the volume and you should now be watching your lights pulsating to the music. You'll probably get the best effect with the volume up quite loud, depending on the output of the amp you may have to turn it right up, play with the equaliser if the amp has one. More bass = brighter lights, especially when there's a bass kick in the music. Music with a heavy beat works best but experiment with different tracks, see what comes you come up with. So normally the set up would be: [Left Speaker] [PC]=====[AMP]=====| [Right Speaker] Here's what it looks like post-mod: [Left Bulb(s)] [PC]=====[AMP]=====| [Right Bulb(s)] You'll find that placing a CD spool lid over each bulb or set of bulbs gives a nice effect, it gives a sort of frosted effect to the light and stops your eyes hurting as much when you stare at them ;) Results: http://www.stickam.com/viewMovieGallery.do?uId=173815693 There's a few videos of when I just did that a few minutes ago. I'd done it before so I knew it'd work, that's how quick it is though... if you have wire and bulbs it takes less than 5 minutes to get it working :D Apologies for the crappy video/audio quality, it looks much better in RL. It seems stickam.com is having problems so it may or may not be available right now. If not, try again later. Add a couple of old speaker enclosures or maybe a DIY light box enclosure and maybe even coloured bulbs or filters and you have your very own ghetto-tastic 'disco'/club lights :D Disclaimer: Neither moonlit or Hak5 are responsible for any damage to equipment or personal injury, proceed with this mod at your own risk. Amplifiers aren't built to run light bulbs, maybe choose an amp you're not going to need.
  21. Yeah, if it dies I'll probably rip it to pieces or something (yeah I know, classic Mac and all...). I doubt I'd be able to repair it and a ribbon would cost loads for one of these. Oh well, it only cost £4 :)
  22. They do in the UK but it depends on which bank you're with.
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