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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Oh I see, so it's basically just an IR light source? /me considers using a wii sensorbar as a UV flashlight... /me thinks again :D
  2. I... umm... Yeah... Uhh... VaKo...? Cooper? Someone? *cries*
  3. Nice idea, a DVD box is a nice case for something like this, very clean, small... to save needing to have a large battery though you could either have AA batteries (6x1.5v = 9v, which would actually last longer than a single 9v battery) or you could us one of those small power sockets you find on some low powered electrical items (like a smaller, less heavy duty version of the ones you find on laptops for the charger socket). The only question I have though is how's the signal gonna get from this device to the Ninty? ______________________________________ | | ,____________________________________, |__( )__( )__( )__( )__( )__( )__( )__( )__| |_____________________________________| Hey, looks like my old serial modem ;) ______________________________________ | | ,____________________________________, | [(-)] | |_____________________________________| (-)--(?--(+) Centre positive, 9v DC That's about it, right?
  4. This looks, feels, tastes and smells like spam... I'd have killed it as soon as it was posted but this user has seemingly legit posts... do with it as you will... /me shrugs
  5. Nah 9.6v is a popular rechargable RC vehicle battery voltage IIRC, just like 7.2v is... 9.6v = 8 x 1.2v 7.2v = 6 x 1.2v Just gives you that little extra juice.
  6. Duelus had a point, Metatron had a point, K1u is an idiot. Flame-fest thread locked.
  7. Found it on iTunes, the fist time it got added to the iTunes Store... ~ep 6? ~ep 7?
  8. I used replacement christmas light bulbs in mine 'cos I picked them up for like 30p (50 cents?)at a jumble sale, though as Wess mentioned I used a pretty hefty amp to power them. The advantage though is if you do have a big enough amp they're pretty bright. I think a car amp would do nicely, should kick out enough juice for real bulbs... if 12v lights aren't bright enough try a couple of 6v flashlight bulbs.
  9. We have had issues with Tor, yes.
  10. I'm afraid not, Tor and other known proxies are banned for a reason and to make an exception for one would suggest that we're willing to make an exception for all. Tor (as I'm sure you know since you're running your own server) is potentially a very large opening for IRC abuse and as such the decision was made to ban all known Tor servers from Hak5IRC. Thank you for your interest in Hak5IRC and welcome to the community but I'm afraid you'll have to connect another way.
  11. I can't choose, I watch and love the following: Daria The Simpsons Futurama King Of The Hill Family Guy South Park
  12. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=622 Funny how things (don't) change ;)
  13. Yeah I guess you could, I don't see any reason why not.
  14. /me waits for VaKo to post once more since he's on 2999 posts.
  15. Nah it's all good but with some of the obscure spam around you never quite know. Thanks for replying, don't worry about the wrong section. Welcome to the madness. As you were. :)
  16. ...uh... ...what? Edit: Not news, moved. I'd almost think this is spam if it weren't for the absence of the usual signs. Right now I don't think it is but a reply to this message by the original poster would be nice to confirm that it's real.
  17. Oooh, it's on teh live show! </bump> ;)
  18. Psssh, you kids, don't you search? We had many of these threads back in the day... it was a fairly close run thing IIRC... do a couple of searches, see what you find ;)
  19. Didn't someone answer this exact question a few days ago?
  20. Sadly I was unable to be here to watch it, I'd also like to see the whole thing unedited... pwease? pwetty pwease?
  21. Yeah, being AFK when you start getting sick of computers and tech works wonders. I like to do something with electronics rather than wood but I totally know what you mean DarkSenay.
  22. I'm really rather sorry I wasn't here when you posted originally. Screwing with school networks in any way, shape or form is one of the most stupid thing you can do. I've said it before and I'll say it again; you can screw your education, screw your career and screw your life. You listen to what we're saying in this thread and you'll have done the sensible thing. Darren's 110% right and most of the other people in this thread have been too. Remember, we've been there, we've seen people mess up bad and now we're giving you the chance to take that knowledge and that warning. I'd advise that you take it and run. Your name won't live on, you won't leave a legacy and you might not even leave qualified. If you have any brain cells at all in there then you'll see that what we're saying makes sense. Welcome to the forums. Locked.
  23. Delete what hex values? If you randomly cut out chunks of an image file it's no longer going to be an image file and therefore it's going to be useless. What you're trying to do is akin to ripping out random parts from a car and expecting it to still move.
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