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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Don't duplicate posts. I've deleted your other one for you.
  2. Uh... does this count as...spam? Uhm... VaKo? Cooper? :S
  3. Hit Windows Key + R (or navigate to your Start menu and choose Run...), type CMD and hit enter. This will give you a command prompt. From here you can use CD to navigate to the directory that steghide is in and it won't disappear when you execute steghide.
  4. We don't support warez here but you can rip your own games from your own PS2 discs using tools available on the net. Be aware though that PCSX2 does not yet fully support playing commercial PS2 games and it will take some time before it is compatible enough to do so with a large number of games.
  5. /me hovers over the topic with a padlock. Play nice.
  6. Shall we... uhh... get back on topic there, boys?
  7. USB key -> USB port -> computer -> serial -> door unlocker
  8. moonlit


    But surely an english/french compiler would give you a completely useless dictionary for the given language in exe form? :p
  9. Yeah, hence my earlier warning ;) I'll agree with VaKo, it's an acquired taste. I personally like it but it's definitely not something you should drink a lot of, it can be quite dangerous. It was banned in a number of countries and still is in many of them. Even without the wormwood there's a lot of alcohol in it and it's not for anyone who intends to drink a lot and get hammered. If you choose to try it take it slow, it'll take a little while to hit you (like a lot of spirits) and never ever say "oh, didn't do anything, I'll have another".
  10. Yeah, but to be on the safe side it's best to put the drivers in the right place... ;)
  11. I should imagine that the reason that it's greyed out is because you're not supposed to change it. I can only suggest the same as Sparda - contact your system administrator.
  12. Remember though, when plugging it in to another machine to retrieve the data you must remember to make sure the jumpers signify correctly where the drive is on the IDE channel. If your other computer has 1 HDD then it's master. This means that the HDD from your broken computer must be assigned as the slave drive if you're using it on the same channel as the one that's already in the machine. The drive may have a label on to explain where the jumper must be for the drive to operate as a slave. If it doesn't then you may be able to find information online.
  13. No no no! Not Vodka. Pernod and Red Bull! That stuff will keep you going all night! If you wanna get a nice crazy buzz though, the best is Absynthe and Red Bull. (Not for those who don't drink that often or heavily!)
  14. Take a look at nickisgod1's desktop. Then take a look at a photo of Hannah from SClub7. Coincidence? :D
  15. Oooh, OK, Chill there ir0cku55... Someone may have over-reacted in this thread and I'm not sure I'm going to bother pointing out who it was. However, I will say that is this thread doesn't get back on track soon it's liable to be locked. Oh, and welcome ir0cku55, just a note: we all know that melodic *is* our resident Mac fanboy and we love it... ;)
  16. moonlit


    Wow. So specific. You'll have to give more info; which platform, which language...
  17. Well, if I ever saw a more pointless post... ...I can't remember it.
  18. I wouldn't call myself a gamer at all, I drink socially and that's not very often and I don't download porn... ...I do however spend all of my waking hours (that is besides doing things the body does every now and again) in front of a keyboard, I code and I enjoy reading, writing, solving problems and hacking. I think I count as a geek regardless of my lack of stereotypical 'qualifications' to be a geek. ;) Oh, and slightly off topic but as a side note... I mentioned things the body does every now and again... I don't think I'm the only one here who actually would rather not have to do those things if I could just stay and write an extra block of code... :/
  19. *sigh* I really really wish people would stop suggesting that Microsoft products are the scum of the computer world. It's pointless. Give it up. don't you ever get tired of spouting the same old crap? Sure, you don't like MS products... great! Freedom of choice! Yay! Just don't try to ram it down peoples' throats and suggest that everything with a Microsoft logo is the absolute bottom of the barrel. You know as well as I do that they make some great products that work just as well as any other and in a lot of cases better than the alternatives so stop just trying to sound cool.
  20. New? 362 posts? :D Since I'm here... Chris, aka Moonlit / Shinku Favourite game: Not a big gamer but I'll play almost anything. Favourite OS: I'll use almost anything, even if I don't know how, but you'll usually find me hanging around with some obscenely old version of Windows. AmigaOS, MSDOS and RISCOS are some of my favourites though. Favourite console: Dunno, SNES? Nationality: British Accent: You'll have to tell me, I wouldn't know. I've been told it's not a very strong accent though, whatever it is. Sex: Male Birth date: 4 July 1986 Marital Status: Single. Too single. :p Build: A little more cuddly that I used to be but still not horrifically obese. Favourite band: Ooh, tough... This changes every 5 minutes so I can't really say. Favourite book: Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow by Jerome K. Jerome Favourite author: See above. Favourite movie: Audition. Either Audition or Corpse Bride. Favourite TV Show: Hrm... Used to be Robot Wars I think, I don't watch TV enough to say now... I guess a lot of animated stuff; Daria, The Simpsons, Family Guy etc... Favourite Comedian: Hard to say, probably Jack Dee at the moment. Other hobbies: Talking, IRC, socialising, IRC, listening to music (lots and lots of it), IRC... Just basically anything that involves friends really. Car: None, I have no license. The last car I owned though was an old Ford Fiesta 1.1l Occupation: Currently nothing. Student? Ex-student? Bum? *shrugs*
  21. Does that mean I'm in 2009 with my 1600x1200 desktop? ;) Snap, though I've got a sort of on-screen conservatory if you will, an additional 1280x800 on my LCD which sits next to my 1600x1200 CRT :)
  22. Nope. Welcome to the madness osatox.
  23. Yeah, manual override would be essential... I think it'd be easier to use either a parallel or serial port to be honest, USB is a lot harder to interface.
  24. Well I thought having the seemingly random name for the batch file would be a simple step towards the altogether pathetic security this kind of setup would offer, the batch would contain the code to open the door so not only would you need the filename you would also need the code to unlock the door.
  25. You mean you've found a way to delete some files. woot.
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