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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. No, I haven't been high since next week... I was going to ask you the same quite quick quacking quiet quiery though.
  2. See tomorrow's message for yesterday's day after next message. Erm... wtf?
  3. Wha? I didn't... that's not possib... *thunk* Edited for spelling.
  4. wtf? that post just moved... ...I must be pretty friggin' sleep deprived... :/
  5. Spam, can we get a modera...tor... in... damn... ...Hey VaKo... ...Uhh... ...Keep up the good work?... ...Bye!...
  6. moonlit

    Un American

    Where the blurgles grow big and strong?
  7. You're essentially British, you're just on a very very long vacation...
  8. *sigh* The land mass including England, Scotland and Wales.
  9. England = The country of England UK (United Kingdom) = Land mass once ruled by a king. Nah, it includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland which are countries by themselves. Kinda.
  10. Wha? I didn't... that's not possib... *thunk* Edited for spelling.
  11. Because I'm interested in others' opinions!
  12. Unfortunately it's not available in the UK. Why would I want to pay for a show that makes me cringe anyways? ;) I'm relying purely on memory because if I watch it I will curl up in to a ball in self defence and possibly throw up.
  13. Nah, anything that doesn't involve all the original power rangers as the main characters doesn't get me watching I'm afraid
  14. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (the original)...
  15. Actually he wasn't an 'original' Power Ranger per se, he wasn't given one of the original 5 power coins. Talking of which, the 'evil' power coin he was given by Rita Repulsa was never mentioned until that plot arose... /me smells slow patch for the writers...
  16. Now that I have your attention... Who was your favourite original Power Ranger character? I'm assuming no-one would pick Bulk and/or Skull so I left them out... That is all.
  17. Would you like some 90s pop music with that? http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1703
  18. *checks no-one's looking* Shh... I'll defect, but don't tell Hak.5... *checks no-one's looking* *checks no-one's looking* *hides with EvilServer*
  19. moonlit

    Un American

    <depressed>I'm in the UK</depressed>
  20. Fair point VaKo and I quite agree... the if the end is greater than the means, go for it but if it's not entirely neccesary, don't do it.
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