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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. moonlit


    True, but alcohol and fast food can do that too... so can polluted air, so can many household substance, so can... oh, you got the point ;)
  2. moonlit


    I'm being the voluntary Wiki grammar nazi every now and again if that helps?
  3. moonlit


    Couldn't have said it better myself VaKo.
  4. Yeah same here... I am by nature (or perhaps nurture? ;)) nocturnal it would seem but I like to push the edges and go as long as I can sometimes or if I'm working on something I really wanna have done... The ~30hr day does work for fixing sleeping patterns because after that point your body is ready for any sleep you'll let it have... avoid caffeine after about the 20th-23rd hour of the day and you'll be fine... Careful with pushing boundaries though, it can make the day get a bit... odd... hallucinations are possible and you may end up speaking to people that aren't there... that was... interesting but took me ~60 hours to acheieve that and I wouldn't advise it to anyone... still it was fun ;)
  5. I use mIRC (though it's shareware it works after it expires just like it did before) and I don't like Trillian.
  6. moonlit


    revolations2525 - I agree... every tried smoking while trying to finish a race online on NFS:U2 when you have smoke in your eye and ash about to shower your keyboard/trousers? it... sucks. I do smoke though and I think I'll quit sometime soon (maybe)... it's not the best thing in the world, I'll admit but hey, we all have our vices :) I don't drink much at all any more (funny how it works, eh VaKo?) and I no longer smoke anything illegal so I must be allowed something... ;)
  7. Yeah someone posted that on the LiH forums a week or two ago... that's been around for ages (2002 by the date in the link)... If that is real (and knowing some of the people I know I could easily see it being real) then it certainly should be torn off the web never to be seen again... you'd be amazed at how many parents would read an believe that... which is why even if it's a joke it sucks... Other than that, it just makes me sick to believe that some parents can be that ignorant and cock-sure at the same time (even, once again, if this is a joke...)
  8. I believe Chinese is harder then Japanese though... Personally though I prefer Japanese...
  9. I'd love to learn Spanish properly... I have a good knowledge of the basics (kinda) but I'd like a larger Spanish vocab... I'd also like to learn Japanese but I found that's quite hard...
  10. Sure! If you send pics though, try to make sure the background that the chip is against is as plain as possible 'cos it makes my job easier :p
  11. 1024x768 1280x960 1280x800 (Widescreen)
  12. Use the fans! Those fans are so useful... desktop cooling for you, case cooling for your rig, amusing water-wheels if held under a tap, wind tunnel for a hamster... You get the idea ;) I second what VaKo said though, careful poking around in there unless you know what you're doing... those things can pack a punch...
  13. That's awesome dude! Nice going!
  14. wb VaKo, may your reign be long and prosperous! The King is VaKo, Long Live The King!
  15. I am (apparently, according to a bunch of jpgs on my HDD) certified several times by MS, I'm an autorised AMD reseller, a certified Sun programmer and I've attended several Intel events... :roll:
  16. kinda looks like you getting hit by an invisible boxer... y'see him?
  17. Meh 20th birthdays aren't all they're cracked up to be... gimme Hak5 any (birth)day...
  18. I already posted these in a Digg-related thread but people were getting confused because there were links on the first message in thread... so... Here have some Digg screensavers :D Digg Stack Screensaver: http://www.verzend.be/v/8401796/StackIns.exe.html Digg Swarm Screensaver: http://www.verzend.be/v/2519290/SwarmIns.exe.html I prefer Swarm myself... meh... enjoy :) Edit: Fixed :D Edit: Requires Flash Player 9
  19. moonlit


    *blink* ... *blink* ...*blink*... That was a joke... right? ...Right?
  20. /me fills out survey... ...wait, I need to watch 2x01 first? damn... :(
  21. Not at all, though it was fairly anti-Windows ;)
  22. But remember Freakish: Winnerz Don't Do Warez!
  23. Sings: ...and I wear sun-glasses at night so I can so I can, keep track of visions in my... oh... nvm... ;)
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