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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. IIRC you can connect the green wire of PSU #2 to a black wire on PSU #1... or something... *shrug* There's loads of info on DIY dual-PSU setups online though :)
  2. You know, I haven't really been in to coffee much either... I went from hating it as a kid to stomaching it now but I don't tend to request it or buy it myself... if someone offers me a coffee I might accept but I'll rarely feel like I *need* a coffee... Besides, what is a super-creamed-double-whipped-choco-mocha-latte with extra sprinkles anyways? ;) Edit: I just remembered, actually, the last time I went to a coffee shop... I thought people joked about there being some insane amound of different coffee products at Starbucks and such... I was so, so horribly deluded. I stood, stared vacantly at the large menu on the wall and let the girl I was with order... after seeing such a list of indecypherable drink names I felt somewhat bewildered... needless to say I avoid coffee shops and that's one good reason why ;)
  3. Thy word is my command... ...however, I've yet to receive my cantenna and wardriving kit... ...and I swear the contract said something about a special edition Haxxor Flakes nMap CD... :/
  4. Yes they do, god knows why because i've seen more TVs (of the LCD/Plasma kind) with VGA rather than DVI (obviously high-end ones have this usually). Its also worth noting that the Government is considering changing the TV License to a Computer License so you will have to pay it if you own a computer. Should be interesting to see if this happens. Screw. That.
  5. Hmm... I'm not sure I buy the 'invisible human' ghosts but there is a theory I find a little more intruiging; It's been suggested that materials absorb energy and of course, since the human body is controlled by electrical impulses it uses electrical energy to fire off emotive responses... so why, if the energy used to prompt or create that emotion is strong enough (read: a large amount of energy, not a ghost who had been a overbearing father in the 1800s) could it not transfer to the walls of a house or a ceramic vase? Surely that a little more possible than 'invisible human beings running around playing with people'? I mean it accounts for the not being able to see anything when someone comes across a 'vibe' or 'feeling' about an object or place, doesn't it? Also horror films don't help much, they tend to convince people that if some place is dark it probably holds a demon/spirit/ghost/etc and combined with a human fear of the unknown it creates all sorts of odd thoughts... Final note: Most Haunted? Pah! "Oh oh... it's getting colder over this side of the room...!" Duh, you're standing by a 130 year old window in the middle of a cold night, might it perhaps be draughty? Oh, there's a hot spot in the room? Check for water pipes and radiators... :roll:
  6. Meh... I've had a few experiences but I wouldn't guarentee they were ghosts... a few odd feelings and such in certain places but as I've had my belief in such things toyed with in the past I'm not sure...
  7. Stack Overflow. Divide By Zero. Moonlit Malfunction. Intruder Alert.
  8. I get so much spam you have to count it using negative numbers... ...oh... ...wait... :/
  9. Painful eh? Just like a broken floppy in RL when it had your 3 months of coursework on it?
  10. Wonderful. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=828 Welcome to the forums.
  11. Tetrahydracanabinol I think (too lazy to go look :p)...
  12. Meh... true, Daz|Studio's renderer isn't by any means the best (far from it) but it's completely free and it gets the job done if you can't afford Poser :)
  13. Oops... I meant DAZ|Studio but yeah Daz3D own Bryce...
  14. rofl... awesome guys :p Darren - it's actually Daz3D which I believe is directly Poser compatible. Melodic - Yeah, I rendered it :)
  15. rofl... yeah you could meh I got this one ages ago... but 2GB for £20?! where?!
  16. I'm pretty sure there's a registry hack that turns autorun on for any removable drive...
  17. moonlit


    We all knew this but reacting to it like that is just as bad as posting the original question. Why bother killing a poor n00b's computer? He's hardly gonna be dangerous with it unless he's out there learning for himself, so meh...
  18. Well not so much 'competition' but meh... What does the paper say?
  19. Meh... I don't much like this stuff... I mean I love the portability but I found how easy it was to lose a 256MB SD card a little while back... at £20 a pop plus whatever you've got stored on there it's maybe not so fun...
  20. Hmm... I know what Darren means, I read a couple of articles on them a few weeks back - basically, as far as the OS knows you've just plugged in an external CDROM drive but in RL it's a flash stick... I can't remember what they're called though off hand... Edit: Info here.
  21. Yep, I quite agree with VaKo here (and others who take the same viewpoint): I don't like the current climate because the Govt. are in complete control. You do something they class as 'wrong' (even if they know nothing technical about what you did/might do/could do or the reasoning behind it) and they can have you because you may be a 'terrorist'. Unfortunately, they can class you as a terrorist at will - it's not just whether you break the law any more, it's whether they see fit to call you dangerous in a country-threatening capacity (even if you clearly are not). Ok, so appeal... no, if you appeal, you've get hit worse for trying to prove innocence. They'll assume you're trying to drum up support and involve more 'extremist radicals'... we couldn't win if we got arrested while being innocent in that world. Yeah, it's true... 1984 *will* seem like a lawless holiday resort if this carries on as the Govt. would like and I'm 100% against it. I want to be able to live without fear of being controlled - we're being turned in to good little minions here slowly but surely and there's nigh on jack shit we can do about it... Agreed also VaKo - I don't remember being asked about whether I want this... but according to figures and reports, we do whole heartedly want this to happen.
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