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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. There's an easy way to solve this: 1. Go in to any computer shop and ask for a Gibibyte of RAM. 2. Get a blank look or get laughed at (or more likely be made to feel dumb because you will be corrected) 3. Walk out of the shop with your answer.
  2. BugMeNot is your friend, and the firefox extension is more than just a friend. I think it's more the fact that you have to register to see something... If I click forum links and it takes me to a login page I don't like either...
  3. Actually many cheap cameras can see IR... My mobile phone's camera can, all of the webcams I've owned could and both of my cheap digital cameras can... Comes out real bright on cameras too :p
  4. That's actually a very good use for the IR remote... ingenious!
  5. hehehe satchman reminds me of The Big Show
  6. hey I was gonna say that :( cool pic of Kerby though :p
  7. But how is she gonna download Ctrl+Alt+Chicken for ideas and use Google for all those recipes she always claimed were 'a family secret'? ;)
  8. Looks great VaKo, easier to read now, thanks :D
  9. Give her Senator Stevens' number, he seems to know lots bout the internet, he could fix up her security... maybe they could go for coffee... and stuff... too...
  10. Pop next door for coffee and cake and while you're there, fiddle with the router settings while Dora's boiling the kettle on the stove... This way you'll get your internet for free and... oh... that's not any more secure than... nvm... ;)
  11. Go out and build a treehouse! Technology sucks, a tree, some wood, some rope and an old tire will do you!
  12. You're probably pushing the limit trying to stream from an ADSL connection due to the slow upload speeds but give it a go... you could be ok, you never know...
  13. Well fair point but if, say for instance, you were going to go work in the IT dept. of a company, not only do you have to do the techy stuff, you've also got to know the proper procedures for each task... there's also lots of that dreaded paperwork too which most young techies wouldn't imagine exists when you're just repairing a machine or adding a new part...
  14. Ahh yeah, that'll do it... ;)
  15. Yeah, careful of dynamic IPs there though...
  16. Gah? That's terrible... GCSE IT should have several levels or tiers so that the more experienced can get something out of it I think...
  17. Ahh, loved those old Acorns... so versatile... funnily enough though I rarely used them for games, I preferred to program them in good old BBC BASIC and Obey :p Yep, t'was IT for me too, completely pointless though... Wintel based, but come on, who doesn't know what a goddamn mouse is?!
  18. Yeah same goes for colleges... I've taken 4 completely seperate 1 year courses... 3 at one college, 1 at another... both colleges, several departments at each and they were all pathetic... The lecturers were slow at best, the resources were too limited to run the courses that they insisted on running and staff dropped of the face of the earth left right and centre... communication between staff and between different areas of the colleges (especially course staff <--> admin) was terrible and basically if I'd expected any more than a hard ride and a bumpy ride I'd have been disappointed. GNVQ Computing (or something like that): Complete disaster, partly due to a bad choice of course. How to use basic office apps, didn't hold my attention. Lecturers disappeared and it was just crap in general. Schedules were swapped and changed, tutors (in the overseeing of a student group) disappeared, changed, ran away and dumped us. C&G Computer Maintenance: Went fairly well, they didn't teach us much but by that point I was pretty much self-taught... Basic computer maintenance, building, troubleshooting etc... Lecturer was great, course wasn't too bad except when they drastically cut the hours to 1 morning per week and they forgot to mention that it'd be <25% of the course when I enrolled... Came with integrated Electronics course, flunked that, lecturer was terrible, lessons were near pointless... Tried to apply for the level above once I passed, was told that course didn't exist, found out during early next year that it was in fact running that year. Was ready to kill at that point. Grr. GNVQ Media: Again, staff disappeared all the time, equipment was sub-par, tasks were poor and unsupported, staff were arrogant, higher level classes got priority over us in using the little equipment we did have... Schedule constantly rearranged, lessons dropped. I flunked it, couldn't put up with the hassle... Cisco IT Essentials: Terrible. Staff disappeared to the point of having none of the 4 original staff left at the end of the course. The replacement member of staff (yes, one member of staff) we got for our remaining 2 lessons per week knew nothing about current technologies (and very little about older ones) and was useless at controlling the students. Lessons removed, whole chunks or the course were dropped to the point of the end of the course amounting to ~10% of the original course content... Useless, just plain useless... I failed this one because I didn't see the point in turning up for the final exam when the rest of the course hadn't been completed. *Shrug* Ooh... sorry for the long post, just thought I'd give you a taste of my experience with colleges in the UK...
  19. Requesting help is fine, requesting that someone do something for you is not. I'm not sure where you were going with this one but I can think of too many ways it could have disturbing results so I'm going to leave it alone. This is easy enough to accomplish with little effort. Ultimately though, it's likely to bring you more harm than fun and is, essentially, pointless. Because you think someone is a retard is no reason to attempt to 'hack' a school network. It has the possible effect (no matter how little you think you're doing) of potentially messing up your schooling and career and the schooling/career of other students. Long story short; Dumb idea. Also, might I recommend not attempting to piss people off because it's one of the worst things you can do in life if you don't want to deal with trouble or can't handle people. True, we were all noobs at some point but we don't like people asking us to do something for them where we had to learn it ourselves. We dislike those who ask us to commit some ridiculously pointless and potentially harmful act on their behalf even more. We are, however, generally happy to help people out with something they are trying to accomplish providing it isn't harmful, likely to get anyone in a huge amount of trouble (at whatever level be that school, college, university or your country's laws) or illegal to the point that it's highly likely that we (or you, for that matter) would get arrested. In general though, yes we are happy to help. :) Well that's fine, providing it's within the rules we have no problem with it. Some people might see the almost amusing irony in what your signature stands for and your original question but hey, I'll leave that to the flamers ;) Yes it is. See answer 3. This has been a service anouncement by Moonlit. Thank you for listening.
  20. Heh yeah QuickTime's a bit like that sometimes... On the subject of registry hacks/tweaks though I'd probably recommend against it if you don't really know much about it... perhaps practice on machines that you don't use (but you own, not at your school, office or library ;))... You should soon find your way around the registry but until you're confident enough, I'd advise not playing with it 'cos it can really screw your machine (sometimes to the point of Windows dying). It's handy to know though so like I say, practice on old machines and have a little fun with it :)
  21. moonlit


    They... haven't? *reformats* Ahem.
  22. Ahh yeah, so 'tis... I've not seen the dual PSU hack in ages and I'd forgotten that the green is +5v... Anyways, how about:
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