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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Dood, what about the awesome Win16 boxen? :p Acorns were cool though...
  2. Yeah I think it's SmartFTP Pro or something when you download it and after 30 days(?) it becomes regular SmartFTP... I can't tell the difference though, can't tell what gets disabled...
  3. How could I forget Newcastle Brown?! Wonderful stuff! Great drink for when you're out and about and also goes great with certain food :)
  4. Maybe... err... maybe the BSD dude is... err.... maybe he's... Perhaps Tux is... wait, maybe he's... Ok, I can't think how that could be an innocent picture...
  5. I still use SmartFTP... I should register... *shrug*
  6. moonlit

    +4400 amd

    I think the 2200+ is 1.5GHz but what Sparda said there was pretty much right... :)
  7. Famicoman, did you notice you've misspelt Hak.5 in Hak.5 Folding Team in your signature? ;)
  8. moonlit

    +4400 amd

    Not really, no... while the two cores can technically do as much work as 2 single core CPUs, most regular programs aren't optimised for dual-core CPUs and with only run using 1 core... this means that the speed of your CPU for most applications is only the speed of 1 core. I'm not that up with the newer CPU technologies though so if anyone can correct me, please do!
  9. I believe anything above PC133 is DDR (or DDR2), yeah...
  10. Pandora Discussion: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=828 No problem, welcome to the forums. Oh, and a little tip... if you need to post a message after the message you just posted, please use the Edit button (top right of each message you post). Thanks.
  11. moonlit

    +4400 amd

    Err... sorry, I'm gonna have to politely ask that you stop using the boards to flame film... if you'd be so kind, I think that will help prevent flamewars ;) Well in answer to your original question, the + means nothing... you'll notice that all models of the Athlon and Sempton have the + so it's just used by AMD to make it sound cool... Edit: The numbers though don't mean anything either... they are model number originally created to state that a given chip can perform at the speed of a specified Intel equivilant product... Example: My AthlonXP 2100+ (1.73GHz) can, according to AMD perform at the same speed as a 2100MHz (or 2.1GHz) Intel Pentium 4. Example: Sparda's 3200+ (2.0GHz) can, according to AMD perform at the speed of a 3200MHz (or 3.2GHz) Intel Pentium 4.
  12. Uhm... sorry? I believe there's some interference on the line, we seem to be getting some crosstalk... Ahem...
  13. Yeah it's a fairly easy thing to find when using analog phones and suchlike technologies... it's got a fun aura to it, listening to snippets of conversations from the great world out there wondering about the stories behind what you've heard... voyeuristic? I guess... I don't actually do it myself but it's an interesting thought... Can't happen on digital networks though because of the way they work... I think it still happens with cordless phones though they're almost all digital now too, so... meh...
  14. Yes. If you ever post with big black bold letters again I will personally come to your house and perminantly configure all of your broswers to display everything in 6ft high text... I smell flamebait... *sniff* Oh and welcome to the forums, you <You are currently working offline.>
  15. I use the official MSN client on Windows and Mac (though I'm hardly ever online)... I've not really had much of an issue with it besides the odd hiccup when the servers screw up but that's quite rare these days... I do believe MSN will can add Yahoo! Y!IM friends now so that sorts the problem of friends being on Yahoo!... I pretty much only use IRC these days though, so much cleaner, faster, easier to talk to many people at once and best of all (most clients have) no emoticons of nudges or similar annoyances!
  16. I do like a Guiness every now and again...it has a very distinct colour, texture and taste so it makes a great break from some of the watery lagers about... Murphys is another good beer, quite similar to Guiness but different enough to make it a different choice from Guiness. Both are much much better chilled, a warm Guiness isn't particularly nice but if it's warming but not quite room temperature it's still drinkable...
  17. I'll prbably PM this to VaKo or someone but has anyone noticed that clicking on images in posts on the forum no longer brings up a full size version of the image? The images when you attempt to open them in the larger window now point to http://www.hak5.org/forums/templates/NoseBleed/... so it's borked :/ Edited for spelling.
  18. yeah it was techPhile that said that on #hak5 I believe
  19. Heheh... just to clarify I was thinking of certain European countries where drinking is a part of life at a fairly young age... that attitude has it's plus point I think but hey, there's a conversation for another day :) Oh, and for something fun to knock you on your ass: Dr Pepper, Your Favourite Energy Drink, Southern Comfort and Vodka - equal measures of each, scale as necessary ;)
  20. moonlit

    Mp3's / Film's

    Anime... need some anime! I can't really recommend anything though 'cos I'm just finding my way around the 1000s of animes out there but look around for something that sounds cool :D
  21. Hmm... interesting... I remember having a conversation some time back how younger people who drink beer say it tastes like crap and drink it presumably just to get drunk... In the UK at least it's not a 'kids' drink so why would it be made for kids to enjoy? Works differently in other countries I know, but meh... As for me I like a lot of beers... my favourites are all English ales... Spitfire and Greene King's India Pale Ale are nice... pleasant, very relaxing and perfect for casual, relaxed social situations wherein a few people are chatting about the issues of the day or whatever *dons cap and slippers* ;) As for the rest of it, I'm not a fan of wines in general but there are some nice ones out there... it depends on the situation but I tend to prefer a sweet white given the choice... Ciders are nasty... I've been there, done that... I've drunk enough cider to rot my intestines a few times over, I'm sure... there are some palletable dry ciders out there but white cider's no longer an option for me, it tastes vile these days... Spirits are ok, I'll generally drink most spirits although I've lost the ability to drink them neat these days... I used to like gin quite a bit but I went off it, some whiskeys are cool, especially Southern Comfort, vodka's not my thing, rum's ok sometimes, sambuca(sp?) isn't too bad, can still drink that neat... my favourite spirit is Absynthe though, lovely stuff... Finally, mixing drinks is very cool (IMO, YMMV)... can be fatal but if you know where you can take the night's drinking and you stay within your comfortable 'zone' it's all good... some very tasty concoctions can come from randomly mixing :)
  22. I am from the UK... I can count at least 6 or 7 others that are and that's just the ones I regularly speak to...
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