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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Yeah I was gonna say Dell... the laptops I've had have mostly been older though, my Toshiba was nice and I've had a few Compaq laptops (err... yeah, this was a while back...) I've heard Toshibas aren't that great these days though...
  2. The view from my LCD... my CRT is also on this rig but since it's pretty much the same only a higher resolution and no Start bar I didn't see the point in posting that ;)
  3. Err... yeah, thanks for that Freakish... :roll:
  4. Please don't post a million messages one after the other... Use the Edit button in the top right hand corner of each message to add more info.
  5. Ick!, bah and meh indeed. Bugger, damn and poppycock. Swish, gah and boo.
  6. Meh... I remember breaking my right wrist a few years back... it sucks having only 1 functional hand :( Still hasn't healed right I don't think...
  7. You know, I find it interesting how uber-excessive use of computers can make you wanna get out of the house once every few months but then when you leave the house after a few hours you wish you'd never left... :)
  8. Ricky Gervais Microsoft Videos: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9076288729387457440 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=959125392868390030 Probably quite old now but meh... for anyone who hasn't seen them :) Source: Neowin
  9. Ditto what stingwray said... come on dude, you've been asking these questions more rapidly than a whore changes sexual partners... don't rely only on us... sure, we're happy to help but at least do some things yourself... I think at this point telling you to go Google these things is completely fair... This info is so easy to find it's not even funny so please put some effort in to things.
  10. moonlit

    Run OS X ...

    Alternatively if you don't have a CPU the supports SSE2/SSE3, check out PearPC... it runs the PPC (G3/G4) version of MacOS X and works like a charm! All that pretty-ness... You can even get online with it! You don't have to worry about drivers either and your PC doesn't have to have specific hardware to run it... it's teh awesomeness! Also AFAIK doing this isn't actually illegal, though it may break the EULA...
  11. That's right folks - personalised art just for your hacks, e-grafitti and defacings! At a low low price of $199.99 per image, we can send you a mutated picture of the logo orimage that represents the site you're hacking! So remember, when you're tearing in to that next website, don't forget to call our dedicated 24/7 hotline on: 1800-555-VAKO! Image may or may not be related to you, your site or the site you are hacking. Images may be in monochrome unless you surrender your pet ferret and give me back that tire-inflator you borrowed last year. Products may not be safe for human consumption, use as a frisbee or to hold up tables with odd shaped legs. You may lose your home if you do not keep up repayments and there is a minor risk we'll take it anyways. Arrest is not unusual as a result of defacing websites, so you never met us, we don't know who you are and we've never heard of your friend either. Thank you, good night.
  12. But come on, recalling batteries from 2003?! How slow is that?! Still, means a free new battery for those old machines... But still, 6 years? Geez...
  13. Meh... yeah I've seen those tiny jumpers, they're a pain in the ass to find... I needed some once and luckily found some on the underside of a HDD on the logic board... hope you're lucky enough to find some... Nice work on the blu-tack and staple though ;)
  14. Uhh... actually a sizable chunk of the people who come here have links in their profile... :/
  15. That's the point... Spambots have as many email addresses as they feel like generating... and that's a hell of a lot of email addresses.
  16. Uhh... no. I never let anyone confiscate my stuff at school. I don't care if they say you get it back... they cannot take it without your permission and if they do then as far as I'm concerned it is theft. I don't care if it was a teacher, a technician, a computer expert or the goddamn headmaster (/principle/or w.e)... they so much as look at my stuff and I jump down their throats. I hate the concept of 'confiscation' unless there's a legal reason for it to happen. If I had drugs in school - fine, booze? fine... knives? fine... my cell phone or computer? they can shove whatever 'rules' they try to use to take that stuff they like but there's no way they're taking it.
  17. It's a 1GHz so it's likely either a; Athlon, Duron, PIII or Celeron...
  18. Good luck with that then, he's nowhere near it ;)
  19. 1. Try Google. You can't possibly fail to find it. 2. Stop posting so many messages, use the Edit button in the top right of each of your posts.
  20. Still a little wide but much much better, thank you.
  21. ARGH! Change that avatar... now! Edit: this avatar: Goddamn it, 320x240?!
  22. Holy shit, we've hit those speeds already? Gimme your computer! ;)
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