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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. No, I believe that was supposed to be a function in Windows from the start but they didn't manage to make it work until quite a while later.
  2. You can either use something like WinImage to write it to a floppy to try on a real machine or you can use it as a disk image in VMWare... just select the disk image as your floppy drive. :) My pleasure :)
  3. 'Tis true but they've said it's very useful and to be honest, it might get used by skiddies but if you know why you're using it, what it does, how it does it and you're not using it for any reason that's either pointless, illegal or 'just to piss off my ex-gf's boyfriend' then it's cool/not skiddie. :)
  4. I don't think that was at all rude... I see that you've been pushed though so I think that was a fair email but you made sure your point was made. I see no problem with that whatsoever. Glad to be of assistance.
  5. ROFL... glad you liked it ;)
  6. Well we've seen that people are testing Windows Vista now but let's not forget where it all started... I give you Windows 1.01! Click here for a bootable 1.44MB disk image containing Windows 1.01 that will work in VMware and/or if written to a floppy it will work on a real machine!
  7. This is what I was saying in IRC when we discussed this; just because Hak5 says that TOR is cool that doesn't mean they have to allow users to connect to IRC via it... They also said Metasploit is cool but that doesn't mean they should leave the gate open for you got go right in and start remote-accessing all their boxes...
  8. Which sucks balls if you're trying to help them fix something remotely... "Ok, so which version of Windows is that?" "Err... Dunno?" <cue 10 minutes of trying to get them to describe things to help you establish which version of Windows they're running> <cue 30 minutes of explaining how to do a 20 second job> <cue heavy drinking>
  9. moonlit

    USB Cooking

    Uhh... how do I remove fried egg from my motherboard, anyone know?
  10. True but there are some who just type illegible crap when their first language is English are they mentally able... that's just plain annoying. i iz gunna haxor sum1s bx n i nd 2 get sum progz to hax msn. I rest my case. Actually, just to end this one I'll also note that some even seem to go out of their way to spell incorrectly. That's just plain idiotic. There are some very lazy people out there though. I really don't mind helping people but sometimes it's evident they haven't even tried to help themselves. Sure, if something's hard to do and there's very little information online or if thaty info is hard to find or understand I love helping someone learn but I don't like helping people who can't be bothered to spend 60 seconds looking for themselves.
  11. Nice work Sparda :p Sigh... Most Linux distros are free anyways so using torrent to obtain them doesn't make you shady... Anyways, good luck and welcome to the forums ;)
  12. Windows won't actually let you delete a page file if it's in use... You can however change the size it's allowed to grow to by going to System Properties, Advanced, Performance Settings, Advanced, Change...
  13. That got locked because i'm sick of people not using grammer and punctuation. This may be the internet but there is no excuse to type like a dyslexic hobo on acid. Amen. It is indeed 'only' the Internet but people might at least try to use correct spelling and grammar. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that...
  14. moonlit

    Run OS X ...

    Try making sure the mouse is on the 'MacOS' screen and clicking... the Windows version will try to keep the mouse inside the MacOS window so if the mouse tries to 'escape' from the window it returns it...
  15. Grrrr! http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=828 /me explodes!
  16. moonlit


    Ok, NOW I can tell you to go Google it. Edit: Against my better judgement, I'll link you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socket_AM2 http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2688 http://tomshardware.co.uk/2006/02/21/a_loo...m2_platform_uk/ Top 3 Google results in no real order. Plenty of info there to get you learning about AM2. Now, can you please stop asking questions that Google (or your favourite search engine) can answer in less time than it takes to post here?!
  17. http://static.flickr.com/82/229076147_aa35aab392_b.jpg Early I know but meh... saves me forgetting tomorrow* ;) Edit: * May be inaccurate on date of posting, I've travelled forward in time by one day to post this.
  18. The Dev.5? Mee! I had that wallpaper on but I didn't know if we wanted it up on the Desktops threads... meh :) Edit: There's actually a newer version of that wallpaper with "Develop Your Technolust" :)
  19. Yeah when I broke my wrist they never offered me physio and I didn't fancy asking... it's reasonably ok these days but it's never been the same and I don't think it's anywhere near as strong now as it should be... Makes a LAN literally painful sometimes and doesn't much help with RSI :(
  20. Says he, replying to a pretty much dormant thread, the original question been long solved with a rant? /me shrugs
  21. Full-duplex means it can send and receive at the same time, yeah. Err... I was gonna say something but after re-reading the post I'm not sure it's quite where you were heading... but did you mean 'asynchronous'? Also it's not unusual to not be able to achieve the full speed your ISP claims they're providing, many users don't get the speed advertised... sometimes not even close.
  22. Those online scans are crap... I tried a few files that I knew were virii... AVG agreed with me too and the online scans I tried (I don't remember which ones) found nothing...
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