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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Hmm... one of those 'parallel ports' seems to be one of those long since extinct second (old-school 25-pin) serial ports... besides that, go with VaKo... see if you can pic up an ISA NIC and throw a live-CD in there... if I had to guess without looking it up I'd say it's likely a low/mid range 386 so it's not gonna be big on MHz... not gonna have much RAM in there either, I'm thinking probably between 4MB and 16MB if you struck lucky :) If it *is* a 386 or higher, any version of Windows up to 95 will work though 95 itself would be rather slow, especially with less than 8MB RAM... If you chose Windows I'd recommend Windows 3.1, perhaps Windows For Workgroups 3.11 if you wanted to improve the networking slightly. For functionality though, try and see if anything Linux-based will do anything useful on there because there's a chance that a Linux-based distro may be designed specifically for something you might find useful rather than trying to make Windows 3.1 do some crazy stuff it's not meant to do :)
  2. A friend dropped his old Samsung which he dropped in cider and coke (yeah, urgh... we used to drink stuff like that back then) and his phone was, needless to say, not gonna turn on... like most of his kit, I ended up with it and even after a few weeks of drying it wouldn't work... I threw it in a drawer and forgot about it... ...around 3 or 4 months later I dug it out again during a clean-up and plugged it in one last time and lo and behold, it worked! Ok, it died half a year later from a dead charger socket but it got another half a year's service from an already aging phone... :D
  3. I figured it was something to do with cookies or something... I could be wrong though... I've heard people say that when their browser has been open too long it happens but I get it and I shut down at the end of each night and sometimes a few times during the night too...
  4. Been happening to me in IE6 for quite a while but it's getting much much rarer these days.... it happened yesterday actually... I mentioned it but I think I got "use a real browser"... looks like the FF folk have it too now though... :/ Note: Dunno about Firefox but it seems to happen if you've got the forums open in 1 IE window and then click a link on IRC or whatever that leads to somewhere else on the forums... E.g. I'm looking at a post in Everything Else then someone gives me a link to a post in Polls... I click the link and now every post is marked as read in both windows...
  5. Wow, you did that too? ;) Actually, that's where IPTV comes in of course... Once you've mastered podcasts you can go on to possibly create video... so no longer are you limited to audio (where you would've been using your tape deck and microphone) you can take the leap to what would've been borrowing your parents camcorder to film you and a few mates larking around in next door's garden... only now you're hopefully mature enough to add content ;) Err... you can still do the next door thing but please, keep that to the adult... err... YouTube :)
  6. Woah, abstract image of Sonic and Tails!
  7. You could make a small 'translator' app to pass the text through... When I used to play with voice synthesis on Amiga and Acorn computers way back when, I used to spell the words in a more phonetic way... This technique carries over to the Windows text-to-speech thing... here's an example; supercalafragalisticexpialadocious A made up word, I know but I couldn't think of anything it can't pronounce right now ;) To make the 'calafragalistic' part sound correct, you must replace the 'g' with 'j' to replace the 'guh' sound with a 'juh' and replace the last 'c' with a 'k' to correct the 's' sound the text to speech engine adds...
  8. you could probably manage to make the XP user selection screen look like something else but unless you use tools to skin the logon box or Windowsw 2000/2003 you can't do a great deal... it's possible, you can change the wallpaper (IIRC), you can change the banner of the actual logon box, change color schemes and as I mentioned with 3rd party apps you might be able to skin the window to look like it's not a Windows ... err ... window ... :p
  9. Uhm... Cooper? I think he means that podcasts are user driven ;)
  10. yup ;) (Windows XP's logon screen can be themed with a little practice and I'm using Windows 2003 and though it uses the classic login style found in Windows 2000 it's still possible to customise it nicely ;))
  11. I had to explain to a youth group I was involved with what they were when I was suggesting we start one and I basically said that they were like radio shows (but I made it clear that they are NOT radio shows) and that seemed to go down well... another good thing to mention is how easy they are to do and how they are not censored :)
  12. moonlit

    IRC Help

    Yeah that's meant to happen... as JoshuaH said, type /join #hak5 and press Enter. You'll then be in the #Hak5 room :)
  13. Isn't it the case that the 'regular' volume control (err... the one that's usually in the systray) is always at half volume on install? Check there, check Wave Out/Mix Out/Stereo Mix/etc and make sure they're all up. Also try in control panel, your audio device may have 'speaker volume settings' hidden away in there :) Make sure the speakers are connected properly and the volume in your audio player is sufficiently loud. Some AC'97 cards come with a mixer application, it's possible that the graphic equaliser in this app was turned on before you reformatted which would also make everything sound quieter.
  14. I was gonna say what melodic said... basically though, I don't think you can specify a program to run inside quote marks, you either have to use a command to launch them (I'm not aware of such a thing) or create a launcher. Alternatively you might be able to create a folder in your drive's root and create some shortcuts in there... it's possible that you may be able to launch shortcuts from your batch file.
  15. Ooh cool, I wasn't aware of that, sorry leetabix! I'd heard of Anti-Spyware though, didn't think that was the right program though.... and I believe the actual company name is Zone Labs isn't it? ;) That's just me being picky though ;)
  16. You mean the Zone Alarm firewall that isn't designed to detect viruses?
  17. Couldn't you just have a small batch that copies the files over?
  18. Heh yeah I heard 'bastard' and 'bullshit' on a pre-watershed program on the BBC yesterday, I never thought that'd happpen!
  19. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=828 Locked. Err... Locked... Uhh... Can I get an admin in here?!
  20. Ditto what Cooper said... running a business, you really don't need the hassle of illegal software and the possibilty of being caught using or owning it. I'd recommend uninstalling that program ASAP and buy the real thing. As Cooper also said, the guy who sold you the business may have known that software was on there and intentionally sold it to you... I assume this is the basis of your company or at least provides a central tool for a portion of it so you may be able to take legal action against the guy for selling you illegal software and since it's part of a business deal it is classed as a big thing.
  21. "Cracked by team signmaker 2006" This means that the program is apparently for sale and rather than buy a copy they guy who installed it likely obtained an illegal version from a source that's not necessarily legitimate. The only way to remove this message is to uninstall the application and buy a copy.
  22. "...I predict a riot, I predict a riot..."
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