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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Please keep Pandora discussion to the appropriate thread... Thank you.
  2. Woah, ok... this is why we left the thread to die in the first place... it's a touchy subject, I think we need to chill... we all have our opinions, we all have our preferences and maybe we can leave it there?
  3. moonlit <3 Computer_Kid So great minds do think alike then? ;) Shy girls are often more intelligent, interesting and basically nicer to be around than those who always get attention... the ones who do get every guy they set eyes on tend to be obnoxious, uninteresting and blatently shallow which, as a geek, I cannot stand.
  4. ...and what happens to my legitimate home DVDs with unprotected, legal content?
  5. No warez please. Well, as was mentioned, what's the point in a legal CD-burning app when you've just pirated Windows? Meh.
  6. In no particular order: AVG VLC MSN IRC (mIRC)
  7. I've no idea what might cause it but it's in the style of the old Amiga Guru Meditation which happens when the computer goes belly up after a big crash... It's not your screensaver is it? ;) Edit: It seems to be a audio visualisation plugin for WinAmp... It's called Maki and if you disable it you should stop receiving these error messages. Edit 2: Check this thread on the WinAmp forums for more info on 'Guru Meditation' bugs in this plugin. This means that it's highly unlikely (if not almost certain) that you haven't been hacked.
  8. I was going to flame you for reviving a flame thread to tell people to chill out but that link rocks... Now, if only more females thought that way... Can I flame you for linking to something so amusing it was painful? ;)
  9. moonlit


    Yeah, anything older than Windows XP (I think, anyways) can talk to the hardware but will require new drivers for everything... For XP, MS introduced an anti-piracy measure and now even if Windows could start on the computer you swap the drive to, it won't.. it'll jusr BSoD because MS have coded it to not start if it doesn't match what it's expecting...
  10. moonlit


    Me neither... Swordfish is one of the only movies I own on DVD, I keep trying to give it to people but they don't want it... I didn't like that movie but it was a great way to completely waste a while :) Cooper has a point though, those vests were cool ;)
  11. Dude, that's not a good way to make an entrance... I see you're new here, don't take that attitude otherwise a lot of people will suddenly take a strong dislike to you. It's a matter of opinion, it doesn't mean that everyone else is 'wrong'. I don't wanna hear your Windows bashing... I use Windows, it works... sure, so does Linux but if I (or anyone else, such as Mr Andrewson) want to use Windows then so be it. Thank you and good night.
  12. moonlit


    Unless you're confident in using the registry though, don't screw up. It's surprisingly hard to do but make one false move and your Windows machine will be about as useful as a paper hammer... Providing you use common sense though, follow instructions and don't edit the registry when heavily sleep-deprived, drunk or drugged you'll be fine.
  13. Yeah I've used ATX PSUs as bench supplies for a while... basically: Yellow wires = 12v Red wires = 5v Black wires = Ground Green wire = Power On This is basically what you need to know to be able to play with power supplies... you can do cool stuff like instead of powering a device off of say, a 5v wire and a ground which would give you 5v you could use a 12v wire and a 5v wire... this will give you +7v if you make sure the 5v wire is used where ground would be... I tried that with my camera and the juice the camera tried to suck was too high for that trick but I now have it running from the 12v rail with a small wire bridging the green wire to a black one to turn the PSU on... All this is done without modifying the PSU in any way so I could use this in a computer again if I needed to. You asked how it was connected though, basically the camera's power brick was dead and it's the kind you slide/clip on the back end of the camera... I ripped the insides out of this and attatched wires to the contacts that supply power to the camera and then used the other end of those wires (which now come out of the power brick where the mains lead used to) to a yellow and a black wire on the PSU... I could make it look better by heatshrinking the wirse coming out of the power brick and adding a real male molex connector to them but it works as is and I'll probably need to mess around with it anyways so most things I tend to keep temporary :)
  14. From what you say, the web design company is a sinking ship... persuade someone with a bit of weight to throw around to go see the legal people and get out of that contract. Take the loss - a bad website sucks ass and people will get pissed off will having to disable their anti-virus which they trust and to be honest, if I didn't know what I know and I called you for help and you said 'dable your avtivirus to make our site work' I'd get suspicious and say screw you... Just a note, I've a feeling that enough of us here *have* had to tell enough people Norton sucks via whatever communicative model... be that phone, letter, face to face... ;)
  15. Nope, I personally think Norton sucks BUT the point is that the site is out of date and, no matter how much I dislike it or how inefficient I think it is, it *is* doing its job.
  16. That'll be a VMware machine, that :D
  17. Apple's iTunes music store went down today at 2:00pm GMT to be replaced with the cryptic message: It's Showtime iTunes store is being updated Is it the movie store we've been expecting? Routine maintenance? Only time will tell... watch this space! Shinmaryuu on IRC and my blog: http://moonlitt.vox.com/
  18. Just a note, the NIC is the actual card, the cable should be regular CAT5 :) I've worked on countless machines like that but mostly back a long while... they worked well in their day but they're not the most powerful machines... You'd be very lucky if you managed to get it to play any media... it would likely play WAV, MIDI and audio CDs but MP3 is likely a no-no unless you can squeeze enough out of the thing in DOS (and yes there are DOS MP3 players)... you could probably do something non-media related, perhaps a single-user NAS box... but then you'd be limited to the size of disks you could use... I don't know if it'd work as a firewall or anything like that, it's not my arena so I don't know what kind of minimum CPU you need... Uhm... word processor? midi player? err... gameboy emulator?
  19. No but be careful you don't short anything, make sure only the green wire and a black wire is connected... Edit: Do it BEFORE you plug the PSU in at the mains in case anything does touch where it shouldn't... Works great though, I just did it to power my camcorder from an old PSU :)
  20. Rofl... I completely missed that... yeah a 486 is still useful though but the CDROM might be non-IDE as was mentioned... If you're using DOS or Windows the drivers are freely available for all of the proprietary connections I've seen (Sony/Panasonic and derivatives) but I wouldn't like to say for Linux as I wouldn't have a clue...
  21. I decided to post up some pics of the long lost cousin of Windows Mobile/PocketPC in response to a post about PocketPC viruses in 'Suggestions'... I figured not many people would see them in there though and y'all need to see where portable/pocket Windows started out, like my Windows 1.01 post for desktop Windows ;) Anyways: Windows Pen Computing Boot Screen: You'll notice it's very somilar to Windows 3.xx and that's because it's basically an add-on to Windows 3.xx with a new splash screen ;) First Boot: Yes folks, that wallpaper did get installed without my approval, it's the default Pen wallpaper :S Windows 3.1: But... But I just paid for Windows for Pen Computing, I'm still running Windows 3.1?! Tutorials: Pen came with some tutorials to get you started... but look at the lower logo, how many fonts can they use in 1 image?! Design nightmare! The Actual Tools: Well, this is basically what you get in the way of tools; an on-screen keyboard and a small app that tells you what you just wrote... I believe the text-log thing actually allows the use of a Graffiti-type system. Text Trio: In addition to Notepad and Windows Write (later evolved into Wordpad), Windows for Pen includes Notebook. How many text apps one computer needs I'm not sure but it seems MS think at least 3... I'm guessing this one also supports handwriting recognition.
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