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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. If you're lucky you might be able to recover the numbers with a phone -> PC cable, they don't generally need you to be able to use the phone... I've seen dogs have phones like that before though, apparently they like the flashing lights, the dog who had the phone liked eating those 5-in-1 remotes too 'cos of the light that flashes then you change channel... He managed to make the battery leak too though... :/
  2. Well I did that schematic in Crocodile Clips Technology and I could've sworn there used to be an option to view the components as they look in real life but I can't find it in the version I have, it's been a long while since I used the older version (which I can't actually find at the moment) but if I find it I'll post a real-world view of it :)
  3. Here's another schematic... it has on/off/auto but to be honest I didn't use the best way to do it, I have a switch cutting off the negative terminal of the battery which is bad practice but hey, it's low voltage DC so it's no problem, it'll work... thought I'd post it anyways :)
  4. Glad you got it going :D I dunno why I didn't mention, I guess I was hadn't payed much attention but if anyone else gets this problem check, double check and triple check your RAM, IDE cables and expansion cards are properly seated, you never know what can happen if they're not, I've seen computers behave oddly because of seemingly fine kit installed correctly but it's turned out that maybe the contacts weren't completely connecting or whatever... Reinstalling your CPU is probably further than you need to go usually but again, glad it seemed helped in this case :) Talking of cases, I've seem computers not boot correctly when installed in certain cases too so if all else fails try the computer without it's case :)
  5. I know it amuses most people but it's kinda worrying when you think some of these people aren't actually 5 years old...
  6. I've used Visual Basic for a good few years now and it's a great language for throwing things together quickly... on the downside though I've heard that learning such a relatively easy language makes it harder to progress to more powerful languages...
  7. Yeah that works, it's just the "We notice you're not running the browser we tell you to so you can't come in. *nyah nyah*... Our site works perfectly well with other browsers, we're just being anal about it... Change browsers of you can't use the net! Hah!" ones that get me...
  8. moonlit


    MMORPGs are dangerous in my opinion... it's scary what people do in real life because of them... they pay to subscribe to the paid for games, they spend hours, days, weeks, even months and years playing them, ignoring their real life and friends and family only to end up dead because they tried to sell virtual gold on eBay... no, not my thing I'm afraid...
  9. Going along the spyware route, you're sure it's the real PayPal?
  10. Hey Sparda, try to not be quite so picky... he didn't post this specifically for your Kingly pleasure... On the topic of websites needing a certain browser, I could argue that people denying me access to a site becuase I'm not running Firefox annoys me too...
  11. yeah I've guess power too... as Kateweb suggests, see if the drive works out of the enclosure, some of those USB->HDD boards can be really flakey sometime from my experience...
  12. moonlit

    mac mennu

    I am bothered by people misusing the English language but to be honest if we bashed everyone who misuses the English language here we'd die from exhaustion, so if you'd be so kind, I'd rather you kept on topic... Oh, and hakgipc, I appreciate that not everyone has perfect English but if you could try to do your best we'd all appreciate it, thanks :)
  13. moonlit

    mac mennu

    Now now, let's play nice... err... or something...
  14. moonlit

    Net Send Problem

    Yeah I think Net Send is disabled in SP2 so you're probably out of luck.
  15. The simple answer if you can't pay for a service or application is you can't have it. If a service requires payment and you don't have the money to give to use it or you're unable to get payment to the providers then find a free alternative, make your own or give up.
  16. Hah, I had to laugh at that Cooper ;)
  17. I was gonna build an LCD projector (see Google for plans on how to build) and watch Hak5 in style but I didn't get round to gathering parts... so I don't really have any stories like that :(
  18. I used to subscribe via iTunes (in fact I still do) but I generally get mine fresh out of Darren's tubes during the live IRC release :)
  19. Nothing, it just happens... it's completely normal.
  20. AU $200.00 Air Mail United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand ...wtf?
  21. Er... I think someone might just need a little more Windows experience...
  22. If you did mean Control Panel, check for odd .cpl files... you should be able to guess which .cpl file is related to the dodgyware by the name... do a file search, chances are you'll find it there :)
  23. Yeah Babel seems able to get the message across when you're working with romance languages too but again, eastern languages cause it a slight problem... Google is much the same, though again, both see to be able t get the rough idea across usually.
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