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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. nah, 1x**, 2x**, 3x** etc works for me :)
  2. Highest: (Highest Download) Nearest: (Highest Upload)
  3. "...lovingly powered by Blip.tv, Google Video and YouTube." Looks all good to me :) It's an interesting concept, me, tvguy and Shinmaryuu were discussing a local version of something like this to make watching IPTV easier but we kinda stumbled a bit at the point where we had to decide how content would be gathered/arranged... Looks a good idea though :)
  4. Welcome to the community. :)
  5. I use old ATX PSUs as bench supplies, I have one currently powering my camcorder :)
  6. Again, I'd recommend old versions too because new versions can cause problems with certain 3D apps... Eg: I was in to N64 emulation a few years back and a popular emulator called Project64 was working great until I updated my graphics drivers and Pj64 started giving me garbage in the 3D rendering... same happened with the next few versions of the drivers but the older ones worked great.
  7. Hmm... I dunno specifically what the issue is but try (re)installing DirectX 9c, try new (and then if that fails, old) ATi drivers, try Omega drivers if that fails... again, older versions may help there too :)
  8. No Digg... good song though, I've listened to that more than I'd like ;)
  9. I missed announcing my 1024th post :(
  10. I had an issue with an internal drive where any one of my IDE drives might spontaniously turn off... it would turn back on when it liked or a reboot would usually get it back again but if the Windows drive died it locked completely... turned out to be my PSU dying :( That was actually also the reason my IDE card was too unstable to use, but then powering 4 HDDs and 2 optical drives on an AthlonXP sytem using a cheap old 375W PSU with DIY molex doublers with wires jammed in existing molexes wasn't gonna get me anywhere :|
  11. /me gives Cooper a whole box of cookies :D
  12. Amish or MaxDamage technique? Neither, though it would've been Amish's technique... I tried with a DIY autorun.inf with Notepad as the app to run and an app I think was called Ceedo which uses autorun to open a menu when you insert the device... I did have the idea of using an MP3 player or a digital camera to store the stuff on for Amish's method because that'd look even less conspicuous, who's gonna suspect a digicam? I didn't get a chance to test that though since as I say it failed on Win2k3 and I don't have an XP box right now (thinking I should use a VM for testing stuff like this)
  13. They are kinda cool, but what a waste of a post :/
  14. It seems that this doesn't work on Windows 2003 (or at least doesn't with the tests I've tried with autorun.inf on USB devices) but yeah, it's always a good idea to be careful with untrusted media...
  15. Good luck with it all man, wish you the best for years to come... nice job on getting out of the brain drain that is the UK, a role model for us all ;)
  16. Assuming I've got the right end of the stick, yes, most definitely, certainly and utter undisputably in my mind. In fact, if I've got the right meaning, I couldn't put in to words in this thread how much so.
  17. Yeah the basic ideas are pretty much the same... in any programming language the step you take are similar... Your program will take data in, store it somewhere, process it and spit out data.
  18. Woah, it actually talks to you? That's some deluxe mobo... :|
  19. moonlit

    Best Anti-Virus

    I like that option but I have AVG running anyways just in case I screw up... I sometimes play with viruses/malicious code outside of a VM if I'm feeling exceptionally lazy so I like that safety net ;)
  20. Thank you for your input, an operator will be with you shortly. You are now [50294th] in the que, your call is important to us.
  21. Nah... dog turned out fine, phone was completely mangled though...
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