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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=828
  2. Yeah that would actually work when you say it like that :p
  3. I'm currently working on an AV killer, so far it wipes out AVG and Avast until next reboot, it gets half of NOD so far but that's not finished... will post results here soon :) Edit: Could be fixed to kill them perminantly or restart them after the deed is done but I only just thought of that ;) Edit2: Melodic and Kainchick/Kainchick's laptop get props for being my testers :)
  4. Only thing with that though is it might get nailed as spam and removed... :)
  5. Maybe a small IRCd that collects data then fires it all out at a particular time of day/day of the week to a channel somewhere?
  6. It does seem EXTREMELY unlikely that a music service which has accounts which you sign in to would read hardware IDs. I cannot see any possible way at all this could be the case and I think you may have made a mistake. I am open to correction as always but for now I don't see it, sorry.
  7. Can you UPX a UPXd UPXd UPXd exe? ;)
  8. Winners don't... ...wait, how does it go? All together now... "Winners don't do warez!!"
  9. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2213 Dude... Just... Urgh.
  10. Dude, you've only got the Thread Nuker 2000? Upgrade to the 2003 model, it has all new settings... it does Grill, BBQ, Electrocute, Obliterate and H-Bomb!
  11. Well yeah, but with no heatsink you can kinda expect problems... :/
  12. if you have formatted your c: drive, the situation u describe is impossible. Ditto.
  13. Its dif for u, u live in england right i think more ppl know of them there not many in the us liek u say the name nine inch nails and there clueless. Doesn't surprise me, but more because of the current popular musical genres than the fact they're not popular within their genre(s)... *shrugs* Yeah that's a very good version of that, perhaps if not as good then better than the NiN version, though that's down to opinion and mood of course ;)
  14. I've used cotton wool and vodka before which works but chances are you could just do what Cooper said and just rub it off... it's not all that big a deal if there's some left like he says :)
  15. That's what I thought he meant... so you login, it knows what you listen to, it stores it...
  16. I've made similar tools before when I was back in college, they're not hard to make/find... Then all you'd need to do is set it to use a hotkey and plug in a hcked up USB keyboard... A USB game controller would also work as was mentioned... I did actually consider that a mouse might be more elegant since it's smaller and you only have 2 buttons to worry about (hide/show perhaps?)... the downside is that in Windows I don't think you can identify which mouse sent the button press so you'd have to find a way to make Windows distinguish which I believe is very hard...
  17. the Hak5 server may or may not be in the master server list... if it's in there, choose it, enter password and join :) It's the only one which mantions Hak5 in the server name ;)
  18. Uhm... well, final count for my looped playback was 11:44:47... 12 hours? Of the same song? Am I mad, or is it just a great track? :D
  19. I've had the MP3 of this track on loop for the last 4 and a half hours... :?
  20. Yeah...NiN is pretty sweet strangly not many ppl havee heard of them. HEAD LIKE A HOLE!!! that song was awesome by NiN What? Not many people have heard of NiN?! WHAT?!
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