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  1. Just to be clear, my friend thinks its a intercept device. (What the police use to monitor phone lines). I tried to say that but he did not listen.

    Oops. Slight modifaction to that end bit. I tried to say that it was not a intercept device but he did not listen

  2. Hacking is like a lot of things, it can be used for good, or bad.

    As for the Lan Turtle, it's not illegal at all, however it's use can be classed as illegal depending on what you are using it for.

    If you for example worked at a company and used one, it'd be better to get clearly written permission for what you'd be doing. Using it at home or in your own private lab, do as you will.

    Always remember to check your local laws.

    Just to be clear, my friend thinks its a intercept device. (What the police use to monitor phone lines). I tried to say that but he did not listen.

  3. I have a friend that worrys about me hacking and i want to prove to him that what im doing is not bad. More to the topic that i was gonna post this for, I wanted to know if the LAN turtle is legal to use in the UK. Help! :/ . Darren if you can please respond!

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