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Everything posted by cogitoergo

  1. RT @NotGayDalek: COULDN'T THAT MONEY GO FOR COUNSELING SERVICES FOR BROKEN HOMES?@NOMupdate #Alabama appeals decision blocking ban on sam…

  2. RT @KenMwendwa: When someone says they don't like me http://t.co/sPXZZ18Vdm

  3. I'm fucking dying, oh my god. I love the interview.

  4. RT @RT_com: #Greece elections: Merkel has lost, hope has won (Op-Edge by @27khv) http://t.co/jc07QuRf9m http://t.co/9DGFp0abkJ

  5. RT @drjohndunn: There is an alternative history of the American Civil War. An opinion attributed to Otto Von Bismarck http://t.co/ali7y7zd9S

  6. Or the fact that literally every mathematical and scientific explanation for what the 'soul' is, I have committed to memory

  7. Sometimes the state of disarray in the world makes me terribly depressed. I can't watch this tv anymore.

  8. RT @smesecurity: Not knowing the enemy: Australian cyber defender clueless about origin of 40 per cent of cyber a... via @MultusLeo http://…

  9. Lul get iced Texas

  10. Here's the list of free places to learn so you never have to worry about going to college, EVER https://t.co/xZqchluxZl

  11. This the motha fuckin nuke that I'm dropping, kicking you out ya continent niggggaaaa

  12. RT @sunny_hundal: And the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had, over the last 50 years, made the world a more dangerous place, not better. Media faw…

  13. Lul did you know my family was loosely involved in MKUltra and Operation Paperclip lmfao

  14. The only reason I'm not pescetarian right now is to make a state. Once I'm on a budget that reasonably supports the cost, I will switch.

  15. RT @MrB0t: password must contain an ascii dick at least 9 equals long, and contain at least 3 tildes.

  16. I've had a university reading level since I was in Kindergarten, I would steal my father's college computer books and read them

  17. Blast out speakers, I've been the seeker: America's best kept secret #KeepIt100

  18. She had witnessed a murder when she was a little girl and had mental scars from it

  19. RT @studioexec1: Sam Peckinpah never used slow motion. He actually got the actors to just move that slow. And filmed it at normal speed.

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