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Everything posted by Nio9345

  1. @yifanlu And that's the reason I want all of cryptocurrency to fail. So stupid people lose everything, HW prices fi… https://t.co/r8OvXEku1k

  2. @smealum @yuriks Watching this on my 4:3 1280x1024 60Hz monitor. Funny when I read/hear people say "4K, 144Hz, 240H… https://t.co/CAGPGUczwa

  3. @SidAlpha protection for almost 90% of the internet. But no, let's fuck over content creators and mock them in the… https://t.co/dEnSJrUkiB

  4. @brun0ls @CelesteBlue123 I don't know why I keep returning to all NFS before Carbon and occasionally Hot Pursuit 20… https://t.co/2cr7oPi7Ip

  5. @CelesteBlue123 I don't know if it's related to your plugins, but I get C2-12828-1 on PSN App on my Vita and VHBB a… https://t.co/KqEjjJ6G1N

  6. @CelesteBlue123 Where we can write about problems we have with those plugins? Here or there will be a separate page for it ?

  7. @SidAlpha Happy NAS deployment then. From a fellow IT/Network Technician ?

  8. @team_gr Γιά σας, θέλω να ρωτήσω αν υπάρχει πρόβλημα με το forum. Προσπαθώ να γραφτώ αλλά ποτέ δεν έλαβα email επιβ… https://t.co/hZ5NM2UEsT

  9. @The_Zett @KatSuricata @MarioMasta64 That's a shame. I don't use too many addons myself so I can't say anything. I… https://t.co/I72SECfGLL

  10. @m_yosry2012 Cuteness meltdown imminent ! Evacuate Twitter

  11. @iHaiDeeZi @yifanlu @Cloudflare to latest firm." since Yifan blocked almost 30 letter/number combinations so people… https://t.co/Ya377JBLkV

  12. @deltaHacker Υπάρχει κάποιο πρόβλημα με τη σελίδα? Λαμβάνω "Secure connection failed".

  13. @xstationbr @yifanlu @pomfpomfpomf3 Does this mean that the F00D is unlocked now or this is the first step to it ?

  14. @DaveeFTW @yifanlu Depends on the problem.

  15. @smealum @qwertyoruiopz iFixit has replacements and also Ebay.

  16. @yifanlu the first place is a Microsoft data harvester domain.

  17. @pomfpomfpomf3 Ahhhh..... Wat ?

  18. @yifanlu Can't say if you are making fun of him or agreeing with him.

  19. @adambromell @astroneergame Well, at least they could be like 3-4 ports/designs (like they are now) just not simple… https://t.co/HnmOY3K8fm

  20. ok that worked like a charm. Now from 141 packages, it sees 3487 packages. Finally progress ! Also reaver infusion was able to install reaver. And nmap installed nmap.
  21. Ok, opkg manager works fine and well but it shows that all the file it finds are installed (it has "re-install" as an option). Reaver still tries to download Packages.gz from the old Hack5 link.
  22. So I just use the opkg manager to download the necessary files ? I'll try and see what I can do and if it's not working I'll post some more pics.
  23. I didn't want to offend or bad mouth anyone and if I did I'm sincerely sorry. I try to install the infusions from last summer with little to no success and I can't seem to find a way to do it. Also I can't order the newer models to gain momentum on learning, because the minimum postal charge is 50-60 dollars and I can't find it in Europe to order it. I simply want to use it so I can have a portable pentest companion to my Kali setup.
  24. I got it to work with your way, by editing the navbar and modulelist and they showed up on my PA Bar. But there is a weird problem. some infusions, like reaver, ask to install something and they searching for the old link from Hack5. Do I do something wrong or this way is wrong altogether ? We could have evaded all these problems if the PA devs fixed the problem with the https protocol with either using alias for the link or pushing an update for the PA to resolve and accept https or (last resort) release a tool or something to build our own temporary server to point the PA to download all the necessary files, instead we left with our dicks (or boobs, whatever floats your boat (sorry if I offended anyone)) in our hand since last summer and the official infusions page for the MK4 says that it is deprecated, ultimately saying "We wash our hands from this point on, go and pull the snake out of it's nest yourselfs".
  25. I did that with reflashed MK4 and I still can't get them to show up on the Infusions tab. I really don't know what do anymore ....
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