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Everything posted by DataHead

  1. Read this.;-) https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/34793-superfish-malware/#entry258443 Id assume your browser is infected by malware
  2. If this has peaked your interest: here is some useful wget mirror based commands --recursive \ --no-clobber \ --page-requisites \ --html-extension \ --convert-links \ --restrict-file-names=windows \ --domains website.org \ --no-parent \ www.website.org/tutorials/html/ This command downloads the Web site www.website.org/tutorials/html/. The options are: --recursive: download the entire Web site. --domains website.org: don't follow links outside website.org. --no-parent: don't follow links outside the directory tutorials/html/. --page-requisites: get all the elements that compose the page (images, CSS and so on). --html-extension: save files with the .html extension. --convert-links: convert links so that they work locally, off-line. --restrict-file-names=windows: modify filenames so that they will work in Windows as well. --no-clobber: don't overwrite any existing files (used in case the download is interrupted and resumed).
  3. but its nothing too strenuous to implement. Just gots to get the full wget from the repo, and something as such: wget -mkEpnp http://site.org . and add some scripted checks for what I had posted above, and viola, a mirrored front page of the taget. Then have the portalauth infusion crawl the mirrored copy, make the injects / strips, then profit
  4. I don't know much of python, otherwise I would whip up A bigger version of what i modified and toss together a patch for it, but cloning any said login site ( facebook for example ) just grab the front page / url specified and don't allow crawling too far deep for links. Like a limit of 100 or less or more links to grab / crawl / download etc from main target url. But that functionality personaly goes beyond the scope in my opinion, of this infusion.
  5. Yeah I saw the bit of your hardcoded url, I changed it to my liking and cloned the other target. More for dnsspoof than a portal :-)
  6. But all in all, do a quick google for the ettercap manpage for a better detailed description of its features :-) ettercap has plenty of use, just depends on what you use it for
  7. well defining the source & target can be set to discover and redirect all on the network with -M arp: oneway,remote // // . What arp poisoning does, is tells the networked devices "hey, I'm the router you're connected to, connect to me instead of the real one". but still, if using it for stripping reasons then hsts will be limited as you would still need to set up that bit or run an external program to strip data from now all connected local and external network devices (such as sslstrip), but for general network monitoring / sniffing, it works great. But I don't use it to sniff any passwords or anything like that, just use it for better monitoring on my network.
  8. Well, I guess I should have been a bit more clear. I use ettercap for arp poisoning. So while it has a lot of features in its arsenal, my use cases require just the arp poisoning.
  9. In theory, haven't tested it out yet, but say one were to set test server to google.com and intentionaly invalid expected data feild( or any other website, with some login details ). Would portal auth auto clone google.com as a portal?
  10. Well, can also sslstrip with the pineapple connected to a different ap, and the clients connected to the external ap. Thanks to ettercaps arp poisoning and sslstrip :-)
  11. while I don't know the feature set of the project, Seb has mentioned a few times about the MITM proxy he's been working on for the pineapple. So lets see what's in store with that feature wise before we start canceling out ability to strip secure traffic :-)
  12. In case if I missed it, and skimmed too fasly over what's already built and on the pineapple. Seb just posted in another thread but for an AC nic. Might be with a shot If not, then sorry, the drivers aren't built into the fw.
  13. But if you don't feel confident in building your kernel for support of your nic, don't do it yoursel then. Wouldn't want ya to brick your device. And nor do I want to feel responsible for a brick of the device. Most I could suggest is to talk with Seb or Darren, to see if their help could be provided. If not, then I'd suggest using a different supported card. There is a thread around here somewhere, of supported high throughput client mode devices
  14. It seems that nic has some work to get going See https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=42888 And also following the build guide for the mkv http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/#!build_guide.md
  15. Type iwconfig and give the output
  16. If you haven't already, give the pineapple a restart with the device plugged in. If still same results we will try some other things, depending on the USB nic used
  17. Or if using ssh / CLI, make sure the interface is up Ifconfig wlan2 up Then scan with iw iw wlan2 scan
  18. If no other USB NIC is used, the one you just plugged in should be wlan2. You can open up the Network infusion, and go to the client mode tab, select wlan2 and scan :-)
  19. Keep in mind, Darren is a rather busy person, And on top of running a company, he is also away doing hackacrosseurope. And who wants a quickly made bit of software? Whether it be a gui infusion of sorts or CLI infusion, I'd say he should take time on it, and make sure its close to bug / hassle free before its released.
  20. A heatsink is a good idea and I'm sure it would help. I'm unsure if that's an average operating temp though
  21. Well let me clear my post up, n is usually backwards compatible via the target ap settings (g). Ac is backwards compatible for n. So with the built in attacking / client mode rtl8187 interface, you can connect to the supportive 2.4ghz 'n' in its (if enabled via target ap settings ) g broadcast. But the pineapples AP chip, supports native n. I haven't messed around much with forcing the AP chip into a client mode, but I'd have to assume it would be a bit problematic
  22. Well, the short answer, is no. It will only do 2.4ghz. You can however plug in a proper client mode supportive USB wireless card into the pineapple's USB, and if the external USB NIC is n supportive, you will be good to go! Also, here is a page of all the technical hardware info: https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Hak5_WiFi_Pineapple_Mark_V
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