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Everything posted by sud0nick

  1. This is a great idea and while one of us could make a module for it I think it would be better if it's added to the firmware. Go ahead and submit a ticket and make sure to click "Suggestion" as the type. Hopefully they'll be able to add this in the near future.
  2. I have zero problems with Windows 10. I've used it on my personal computer since it came out and I use it on my work computer. I also have a Macbook Pro with the latest version of OS X and I honestly prefer my Windows machine (although I used to prefer my Mac). We even use Win10 in a VDI environment at work and don't have any problems (yet). I really don't expect there to be any problems, either.
  3. lulz "the device is a brick because the interface doesn't look like the new one".
  4. First of all, I am not affiliated with Hak5 so don't point fingers at me for support. Second, I have provided support for all my modules/infusions and you can go searching through the forums yourself to find evidence of that. Other module developers have provided plenty of support as well all for which we don't get paid. We do this in our own time away from our busy lives. Here is a link that shows there have been new firmware releases (https://www.wifipineapple.com/downloads). That's four for the NANO and two for the TETRA with them being released in March and February respectively. I'm no mathematician but that's fewer than 6 months back. As for the updated firmware for the MKV it takes time. Maybe you don't understand the workload involved at a startup company but they obviously bust their asses getting work done. I recall a forum post a couple months back where someone was complaining about the firmware release cycle and I made the comment that you can't make anyone happy. If you release firmwares too quickly people bitch about you not adding enough fixes. If you release them too far apart people bitch that you aren't providing proper support. It seems things need to be explained to you as you clearly don't have the capacity to perform simple searches for information and you jump to conclusions about people's position and the status of the software. Please be quicker to think than to speak next time. Edit: The funny thing is I just went and checked on that post I referenced above and sure enough it was in response to you complaining. Just to be clear I'm not saying I'm happy with the frequency of updates but to claim that they have dropped the project altogether is absurd. Sometimes you don't get what you want in life, or at least not when you want it, but you need to learn to deal with it and move on. At least present your concerns in a professional manner to Hak5 and see what they say. Also, here's a thought, if you're so upset about them "taking people's money" then stop giving them your money. Don't blame others for decisions you've made just because it didn't turn out the way you thought it would. /rant
  5. Where is support lacking? Tell us in which specific areas because I don't understand where you're coming from in your statement.
  6. I'm glad you figured out the problem and were kind enough to post the solution for others.
  7. This is really cool! Did you make your own case or find it somewhere? Everything looks really good and clean. Great job!
  8. Then build your own software, hardware, and a company to deliver it. If you build it and it doesn't suck then people will buy it. Until then you should stop bashing a good piece of hardware.
  9. Even though you already solved your problem I'll throw my two cents in. In my experience, whenever I've received a General Failure it's been because something was wrong with my configs on the system. Some examples are duplicate IP address when using static IPs and an issue with the TCP/IP stack on the system. Normally a reset on the TCP/IP stack or pulling my head out of my backside fixes the problem.
  10. If you release new firmwares too frequently people will complain that you act in haste when there are still bugs left over. When you release them far apart so you can fix all the bugs at once you get people like billbishere who complain you've abandoned the project. Ridiculous. It's funny when non-dev types tell the devs how long they should spend on development.
  11. The SignalStrength module. It's actually really cool but I guess the developer never created a support thread.
  12. Unless if it requires any dependencies that aren't available on the Pineapple it should work just fine.
  13. Bash most certainly works on the Pineapple.
  14. I second the Module Maker motion. It's definitely a great way to get started.
  15. FTFY I'm betting you're one of those milspec airsoft guys based on the bold text above. No offense, but that already puts you at the bottom of my list. I don't want to discourage you in what I'm about to say because it is intended to give you things to think about to better your project, so hear me out. 1. Adding pentesting capabilities as an afterthought should tell you there are few, if any, real world applications for something like this. 2. It seems to me all you're doing is adding a camera to a "rifle" and doing so with a bunch of unnecessary components. Have you considered looking into using small components that would normally be used on a quadcopter? Such as this transmitter and a FatShark CMOS camera? Right now you are just using an airsoft toy but if you were to apply this to an actual AR-15 that most likely has a forward grip, rail system, and an assortment of gear queer goodies it's going to become a problem. I know this because I spent 10 months in Afghanistan with a rifle strapped to me ~100% of the time and less is definitely more (except when it comes to ammo ). If you end up using the lighter components you could probably find a way to get that stream into your computer for recording. I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet but if they haven't, and you get it to work, then we'll be much more impressed by your statement of not having a degree or certifications. In our world the only thing that matters is results, regardless of credentials. 3. Have you thought about how you could use this as a pentesting platform? Because to me it still makes zero sense. Maybe you could give us some examples of what you've come up with. Again, I don't mean to discourage you or put down your project. Definitely continue it because even if it doesn't become something big it will give you the experience that may one day be the foundation for a groundbreaking idea. Edit: BTW, I really like your glasses. Are they Google Glass? They seem to take really good video.
  16. I would think that's about all you would need for a "smart weapon". What would you add for pentesting and why would you need it? Like Foxtrot, I don't see a real use here.
  17. If you look at all of his videos it seems to be just a camera that can stream what the shooter sees. Also, it's definitely not a rifle. It's airsoft.
  18. I just saw the MKV and Pineapple stickers on the show Dark Net on ShowTime. The episode is CTRL.
  19. I thought this was fixed. It wasn't working the last couple of days but it started working again last night. I guess it went out again?
  20. This has all been discussed already in another thread. Please redirect future posts to it so we don't clutter the forums with redundancy. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/37320-custom-css-and-other-customizations-of-your-pineapple-interface/
  21. Well if you have everything working on your end I would consider creating a module and uploading it to the Module Manager for everyone to use. I for one am interested in this project and tried briefly (about 10 seconds) to install libgps but couldn't find it in the repos. If you can make something similar to what was mentioned in the first post you would make a lot of people happy.
  22. This project was abandoned long ago. If you want to make it work you'll have to get creative.
  23. Yes and I told you the problem. You'll have to find another way of doing that. Try using Javascript or ng-show and ng-hide in bootstrap with panels. You can't use anchor tags like you wanted.
  24. It's because of your links. Turn on your NANO, go to the web interface, and after the pound sign in the URL type home (or anything for that matter) and it will bring you straight to the dashboard.
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