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Posts posted by JRedded

  1. Posted using Google Feedback

    Chris Haralson's channel:
    I have slowly replaced my television watching with YouTube but this is the second time YouTube has blocked the channel of someone whose content I enjoy.
    Blocking Chris's channel may give you a warm fuzzy, but it is censorship plain and simple. Our enemies know how to hack and so should Americans and Europeans who watch these channels.
    You are going to introduce his 17,000 subscribers to Vimeo.
    Google has been more and more evil of late, between the fake "skip to video" clock timer, and blocking useful channels, and forcing commercials every 7 minutes for evil movies that I do not want to see, not allowing Facebook share of YT videos directly from android phones, you all are going to drive away customers.

    I can get my email anywhere, I can live without chrome, your authoritarianism is looking more and more apple like each day.
    Why don't you guys just sit on your hands for a while - and let the internet be free!
    Shame on Google,
    J *** *** k

    Name blocked here but full name signed in the feedback. I hope you have backups of those video's - if so please move to Chris Haralson's channel:
    I have slowly replaced my television watching with YouTube but this is the second time YouTube has blocked the channel of someone whose content I enjoy.
    Blocking Chris's channel may give you a warm fuzzy, but it is censorship plain and simple. Our enemies know how to hack and so should Americans and Europeans who watch these channels.
    You are going to introduce his 17,000 subscribers to Vimeo.
    Google has been more and more evil of late, between the fake "skip to video" clock timer, and blocking useful channels, and forcing commercials every 7 minutes for evil movies that I do not want to see, not allowing Facebook share of YT videos directly from android phones, you all are going to drive away customers. I can get my email anywhere, I can live without chrome, your authoritarianism is looking more and more apple like each day.
    Why don't you guys just sit on your hands for a while - and let the internet be free!
    Shame on Google,
    J*** ***k -name blocked here but used full name in feedback

    -I hope you have backups of those videos. If so, please post them on Vimeo and I will move over there and follow you. Youtube and Google are getting too power drunk for my liking.

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