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Posts posted by mzac

  1. Last night I stumbled across a very interesting Windows 10 bug (it might also affect other Windows versions) and I'm using Windows 10 Pro.

    If your keyboard has those silly shortcut keys to start say a browser, calculator, explorer etc, press the browser button and it should open a new window.  Pressing the browser button again will just refresh the same new window.

    However, if the computer is locked and you press this browser or calculator button multiple times or even hold it down, it will keep opening and opening new windows until the computer can become almost unusable!

    I posted this also to /., so hoping to get some traction on this bug.


    Also, I'm wondering if this bug/exploit can be used any way maliciously, it doesn't seem right that when a computer is locked that you can still press keys and launch applications.

    Heck, if you could re-map those keys you could have them do anything when the computer is locked!

    Just my two cents...

    - mzac

  2. I've updated the script a lot since yesterday, now includes ICMP tests for results as well as checking the server is alive before running the test.

    Also, I just realized that this tool could be very useful for outdoor wifi deployment testing!

    I should also test it on my wifi pineapple to see if it'll run...

    Take a look on the github repo and please give me any feedback.



  3. Ok well I went ahead and wrote a linux bash script to do this... I've tested it with a stationary raspberry pi with a BU-353 USB GPS, I'll have to test it on the road.

    I made sure to make it as simple as possible and not depend on too many extra packages. You just need gpsd and iperf

    It writes to CSV format so you can massage the output into a kml

    I'll post this eventually on my github page so I can keep it up to date.

    Update: Here is my github link: https://github.com/mzac/iperf_gps

    # How many seconds to run the iperf test
    # How many seconds to sleep between tests
    # Location of iperf binary
    # Iperf server to connect to
    # How long to run the iperf test
    # Location of gpspipe binary
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Do not change any settings below this line
    # Verify if iperf is installed
    if [ ! -x $iperf_bin ]; then
            echo -e "\niperf binary not found or is not executable!\n";
            exit 1
    # Verify if gpspipe is installed
    if [ ! -x $gpspipe_bin ]; then
            echo -e "\ngpspipe binary not found or is not executable!\n";
            exit 1
    # Verify that the base filename for output is specified
    if [ -z $1 ]; then
            echo -e "\nUsage:"
            echo -e "$0 <base_filename>\n"
            exit 1
    export_file_timestamp=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z`
    if [ ! -e "$export_file_name" ]; then
            touch "$export_file_name"
    if [ ! -w "$export_file_name" ]; then
            echo "Cannot write to $export_file_name"
            exit 1
    echo "date,time,longitude,latitude,altitude,speed,track,iperf_server,iperf_test_interval,iperf_client_bytes,iperf_client_bps,iperf_server_bytes,iperf_server_bps" >> $export_file_name
    echo -e "\nAt any time, press CRTL-C to stop the script"
    echo -e "Writing to $export_file_name\n"
    echo -e "GPS Data: time,lon,lat,alt,spd,track\n"
    while true
    tpv=$($gpspipe_bin -w -n 5 | grep -m 1 TPV | python -mjson.tool)
    lon=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "lon" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ')
    lat=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "lat" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ')
    alt=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "alt" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ' | awk '{print int($1)}')
    spd=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "speed" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ')
    track=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "track" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ' | awk '{print int($1)}')
    gps_date=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "time" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -dT -f1 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '"')
    gps_time=$(echo "$tpv" | grep "time" | cut -dT -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | cut -d, -f1 | tr -d ' ')
    # Convert speed from meters per second to kilometers per hour
    spd=`echo $spd | awk '{print int($1 * 3.6)}'`
    # Check if lon and lat are set
    if [ ! -z "$lon" -a ! -z "$lat" ]; then
            if [ -z "$alt" ]; then
                    echo "No alt - setting to 0"
            if [ -z "$spd" ]; then
                    echo "No speed - setting to 0"
            if [ -z "$track" ]; then
                    echo "No track - setting to 0"
            if [ $spd -le 1 ]; then
                    echo "Not moving - setting track to 0"
            echo "GPS Data: $gps_result"
            echo "Running iperf test"
            iperf_result=`$iperf_bin -c $iperf_server -r -t $iperf_test_interval --reportstyle C`
            iperf_result_client=$(echo "$iperf_result" | head -1)
            iperf_result_server=$(echo "$iperf_result" | tail -1)
            iperf_result_client_bytes=$(echo "$iperf_result_client" | cut -d, -f8)
            iperf_result_server_bytes=$(echo "$iperf_result_server" | cut -d, -f8)
            iperf_result_client_bps=$(echo "$iperf_result_client" | cut -d, -f9)
            iperf_result_server_bps=$(echo "$iperf_result_server" | cut -d, -f9)
            echo "Writing results to file:"
            echo "$gps_date,$gps_time,$lon,$lat,$alt,$spd,$track,$iperf_server,$iperf_test_interval,$iperf_result_client_bytes,$iperf_result_client_bps,$iperf_result_server_bytes,$iperf_result_server_bps" | tee -a $export_file_name
            echo "No GPS Fix!"
            echo $tpv
    echo -e "Sleeping for $update_interval seconds...\n"
    sleep $update_interval
    unset tpv
    unset lat
    unset lon
    unset alt
    unset spd
    unset track
    unset gps_date
    unset gps_time
    unset gps_result
    unset iperf_result
    unset iperf_result_server
    unset iperf_result_client_bytes
    unset iperf_result_server_bytes
    unset iperf_result_client_bps
    unset iperf_result_server_bps
  4. Hey all, I'm looking to see if anyone knows of either an app for iOS or Android that would do the following:

    - Track current location with GPS

    - Run a ping to any IP or run a speed test with iPerf or something similar

    - Timestamp results

    - Export results in CSV or KML format

    I'm looking for this for two reasons. First, when I go to work on the train there is always a dead zone I go through and I want to show to my carrier the problem, I don't think they're going to take a ride on the train or lend me equipment to prove it.

    Second, for work I am working on a mobile LTE deployment in a vehicle and I need to verify the route the vehicle takes to make sure there are no dead zones.

    I am thinking that I could easily do this all on a Raspberry Pi, but if something already exists for this it would be great..!

    - mzac

  5. Just thought I'd point out that in newer versions of Chrome (I'm using Chrome beta 40) you are now starting to get a warning that the certificate on forums.hak5.org is using an older SHA1 certificate. The industry is going more towards SHA2 certs... Not sure if you can request to get a SHA2 cert for free or does it cost something?

    We are looking into this as well at my work as our certs are SHA1.

    Why Google is hurrying the web to kill SHA1: https://konklone.com/post/why-google-is-hurrying-the-web-to-kill-sha-1


  6. Maybe we should have a sticky topic to share when we see the pineapple in the news? I once posted that I saw it on Good Morning America, and tonight here in Montreal I saw it on the French news show 'Le Telejournal' on 'Radio Canada', Quebec's version of CBC.


    I found the video of the report:




  7. I've noticed that when trying to use PineAP and Karma that in order to have clients connect that my AP settings under network have to be set to open. Is there any way to have PineAP/Karma broadcast open SSIDs however that the management SSID be still set with a WPA2 key? This way I can log into the pineapple on a secure SSID and not be worried about sending credentials to the pineapple on HTTP, of course, I could just configure HTTPS...

    Also, could the use of namespaces be a good feature to separate the Admin from the user traffic? Similar to VRFs


  8. I just got my MKV this week and I keep finding myself scouring the forums for specifics commands, settings, definitions etc, so I thought I would come up with a cheat sheet, something you could maybe print on a Letter or A4 paper to keep with you.

    I have a few ideas and started a Google Doc spreadsheet. Please if you would like to contribute to this sheet you can give me some ideas and I will add them.

    This is the first time I'm making one of these so of course if you have any formatting suggestions for the sheet/layout let me know too!


    - mzac

  9. I'd try another 12v 2+ amp power supply. If you have a 3v TTL serial cable you could connect to the serial port on the bottom of the unit and see where it's hanging up.

    What specifically are the LED's doing 1-2 minutes after you hit enter on your reboot command?


    Hmm. of course now that I post this and test it again it is working... gotta love that... As for the power supply I'm using an old Linksys 12V 1A power supply so I'll see if I can get a 2A power supply.

    Unfortunately I don't have a TTL serial cable, need to get me one of those...

  10. So I was trying to find a good place to put my stock antenna that came with my R820T SDR dongle, and the only place I found at my kitchen table was on my ceiling light above the table. I have a feeling that the way I have set it up it is quite close to being a reverse j-pole as my lamp is all metal and is grounded to my electrical panel.

    This said, with this configuration I am getting ADS-B signals up to 200km away and I am about 30 meters above sea level.

    Can anyone else confirm if this could be the cause or am I just lucky?


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