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Everything posted by cheeto

  1. Ok thanks for the tip. How would i go about uninstalling the dependencis? Would i have to go to sd/depends/ (and what do i delete in there?) I thought that they would have been uninstalled once i removed the PotalAuth infusion. I guess i was wrong. :( thx
  2. progess is being made.. A portal that was once falling into a loop now is showing an error. I prefer this 100 times rather than a loop. The good thing is that we can now send the error logs to Sud0nick. Also, make sure to save the captive portal's source code too. The more information we send him, the better this infusion is going to be. Additional information could be a screen shot of the captive portal etc... cheers
  3. Looking forward to testing this. BTW guys, the more feedback we give sud0nick, the better PortalAuth will be. So if you can, spare just a couple of minutes and try PortalAuth out on a captive portal. If there are any issues send sud0nick your error log. Let´s get this infusion rolling. Thanks sud0nick!
  4. correct me if im wrong, but even if there happens to be a fix for HSTS, won't we need to also erase the victim's history or cache?
  5. I had exactly the same issue with my battery juice a while back. When i was in the US i tried it once and all was well. When i arrived to South America. (here they use 220v) The battery would hardly charge and all the lights except one would light up. Hakshop took care of my problem and sent me another. However, From now on, i just charge mine with a 220v to 110v transformer. I know... the adapter says 100v-220v, however I think it's not very accurate.
  6. YUP, I'm getting the same results.... it doesn't appear in the search engine but the link still works.. Well, at least it's a step in the right direction.
  7. Also, I think they have an integrated 3G modem hooked up too. Nice idea. Perhaps something to consider for future versions.
  8. That really sucks! Again, I think that copying a logo and selling as if it were the real thing is not only ripping off Hak5 but also customers that buy a fake product. No to mention everyone in this community who has collaborated with some great infusions. I remember the SAME thing happend with a USBJTAG I bought a few years ago. A group had copied the hardware and software. So the owner made a NEW USBJTAGNT which required serial key which is associated to the hardware. Case closed, no more clones. I would hope that the MKVI be protected somehow. Let's face it, making a claim in China regarding copyright is a long shot.
  9. Nothing against the Chinese or anything of that nature, but these guys are even using the Pineapple's logo. Come on.... I'll NEVER buy from people like that. Can't Hak5 take legal action? They're infringing on their intectual property.
  10. Hey guys I stumbled across a WiFi pineapple Disk. WTF? Is it real or rip off? http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/WIFI-Pineapple-disk-mark-V-MK-V-MK-IV-3G-modem-wifipineapple-32GB-eMMC-6000MAH-li/633065_32237417187.html
  11. Xrad, is your mkv crashing when trying to clone certain portals? In my case, i have no choice but to shut off the power.
  12. If i have to depend on a server when using squid, the mkv wouldn't be too portable. The portablility is what makes it so cool.
  13. Thanks for the input guys. I will try the TOP command next time to get a diagnoses of what going on. Regarding the squid cache server, never heard of it. Can it be installed on the mkv? I think i might have part of the answer..... FACT, if I try to access my mkv while it DOESN'T have internet access (Client mode/3g) it is terrible SLOW. As soon as I feed it an internet connection it no longer lags and all is fine. FACT: While pentesting yesterday, I was on the basement floor (food court) while feeding my mkv a 3G connection. Perhaps the 3G connection was cheezy??? Maybe I should try client mode instead next time...
  14. Hey guys, My MKV seems to be a bit slow when using the following setup: PineAp Karma Deauth Evil Portal When i use the setup mentioned above, it gets so sluggish that it's becomes difficult for additional clients to connect. According to PineAP Intelligence report there were approx. 20 clients connected to my device. So my question is: How much is too much for the mkv? Am I using too many infusions at a time? Or are there too many clients connected? Anyway, I'd be more than interested to hear some feedback on multitasking experiences with mkv. Thanks guys!
  15. I wish i could send you the error log but because it failed and went into an endless loop i was forced to shut the mkv off twice.
  16. I updated portal auth but no still no luck and the fast food chain. If i could make a suggestion, how about adding a STOP buton to the clone menu? From time to time, the user might run into an endless loop (like in my case) and the only way to get out of it is to shut down the device. Also Auto Auth didn't work. I could see thte captured macs though. I'll pm you with the video footage. Cheers.
  17. Happy Birthday Darren! Hope all is well wherever you are. Love your Hak5 shows!! Cheers
  18. @Whistle Master, If i understand correctly, in order to get wash to work in the reaver infusion, i must use a LAN connection right? On the other hand, Wash works perfectly fine without a LAN connection when I ssh into the mkv. thanks
  19. Your settings seem to be fine. Do this, if you know your target's channel, only deauth the your traget(s) specific channel. Example Target: Linksys Ch. 2 Deauth channel 2. I got much better results this way, rather than deauthing channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
  20. it probably is awaitng approval. Don't expect it to appear in the pineapple bar on the weekend.
  21. Good point, furthermore the script doesn't even have a favicon. If there were a redirect, wouldn't it appear in the source code?
  22. Very interesting.... there are some videos on this on youtube. Has anyone ever tried xss keylogger?
  23. Ya i just had to add a login field at the bottom of the script. That same login script is automatically displayed regardless of the resolution requested by the client. Regardng portal auth, it didn't copy all the files. At least it didn't copy the source file (it was 0kb). I tried different options, but it couldn't do it. So since it wasn't able to copy, i just saved the source code. Strange thing is that there was no .js when cloning the fast food portal. I think it was either not included or simply un able to clone. Nevertheless, with a little tweaking here and there the portal is now exactly the same as the original. My idea is to use the InjectJs login splash screen as an alternative option. For example in cases were adding additional information is too complex. It's nice to have it as an option though.
  24. Absolutly. I guess that's what happend to me. Portal auth did actually download 2 css files. Perhaps the css files adapt according to the device. Part of the source code: Android: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i); }, BlackBerry: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i); }, iOS: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i); }, Opera: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i); }, Windows: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i); }, any: function() { return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows()); } }; if( !isMobile.any() ) { document.getElementById('portrait').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } So i guess it's perhaps more univeral than i thought. Again, up to now, I've tested it on various smartphones and tablets, it's perfect.
  25. Well that explains it then. Because the captive portal that i tried to clone (from the fast food chain), could never finish the cloning process. HOWEVER it did copy both landscape & portait backgrounds for both mobile and regular. FORTUNATELY I saved the source code and fixed a couple of links. So now, i could use that as a mobile/regular sized captive portale template. It's PERFECT.
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