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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. The USB Rubber Ducky site contains tutorials and resources to help get started with using and scripting the USB Rubber Ducky. http://www.usbrubberducky.com
  2. It may help to add additional delay (such as DELAY 1000) at the beginning of the script.
  3. This may not be entirely accurate but the information below is how the two list appear to work from what I can determine. Whitelist: The whitelist appears to be a list of SSIDs in which you want to the pineapple to mimic. Example: There are 3 SSIDs announced nearby, WIFI_1, WIFI_2, WIFI_3. You add WIFI_1 to your Karma whitelist since you only want the pineapple to mimic the SSID WIFI_1. Any SSIDs not on the whitelist will be ignored, the Pineapple will not mimic those SSIDs. Blacklist: I believe this is a list of clients you do not want to connect to the Pineapple. For example, you want to add your own device(s) to blacklist to prevent your own WIFI device(s) from auto connecting to the Pineapple when it's deployed. Hope that helps
  4. This may be way off, but have you verified the inject.bin file has execute permissions? Suggested putting the SD card in Linux system to check. I believe the inject.bin file that was originally on the Ducky when delivered was set to '777', so I continue to ensure the inject.bin file have the same permissions. Hope that helps.
  5. I installed v1.1.0 this past weekend. Karma was a bit slow presenting the 'faked' SSIDs the first time starting the service after the upgrade, but has been functioning fine since.
  6. I've just started working with the Rubby Ducky and the scripts generated on the Duck Toolkit site, so hopefully I'm not giving you bad information. I believe you are referring to the file listed below. CTRL S DELAY 1500 STRING C:\Windows\config.ps1 The above is only a portion of the script generated on the Duck Toolkit site. The CTRL S line opens the option in Notepad to save a file. "STRING C:\Windows\config.ps1" enters the name and location in which to save the file. If the file already exist in C:\Windows\, a message will prompt for replacement. The final portion of the script is to execute the config.ps1 file via Powershell in a hidden window. STRING powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -File C:\Windows\config.ps1 ENTER Currently I do not see anything which automatically removes the C:\Windows\config.ps1 file. This means prior to deploying the Ducky payload, you will need to manually remove the file or add a line to the script which removes the file automatically to avoid the error message letting you know the file already exist. Hope that helps a bit.
  7. The package was actually delivered several days ago but I've been out of town. Had a cool new gadget waiting when I walked through the door. It came with firmware v1.0.4. Following the flash instructions I was able to successfully upgrade to v1.10. Just thought I'd say thanks and certainly looking forward to working with the Mark V in addition to the Rubber Ducky.
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