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  1. I know this thread is super old but I just wanted to say, I encountered the same issue, because I am using the windows dfu-programmer I thought it was because of that, but it turns out I was typing it slightly wrong each time which is odd because I sware I typed each letter individually, but copy and pasting the command from here to cmd worked, then I got Error on line 1, not error parsing line. And to resolve this I opened the raw file on github of the firmware and copied it to notepad and saved as all files .hex, that seemed to work. Just wanted to say just encase someone who is also trying this on windows stumbles accross this thread from google like I did :)
  2. Okay that worked, I knew how to get into recovery mode but was using the update bins not the factory bins, that link has the factory image link on it now its unbricked thanks :)
  3. I forgot about my MK5 and recently found it the SD card was missing so I tried to put a .bin on it and realised that wasn't going to work. I followed the steps to get into the recovery mode. I can successfully connect to the interface, problem is when I select the .bin no matter what one I use it says "update failed, make sure you're using the correct firmeware" links on this forum to the factory firmware are 404 but at resources >> downloads >> MK5 there is all the version releases. So is there something I am doing wrong or these are just updates and not correct for flashing the factory f/w for recovery ?
  4. Hello, firstly I am new so yeah sorry If I post this in the wrong section etc... Okay so here is the deal I have an awesome PFSENSE setup, (custom router blah). My question is as when it comes to networking I am a complete NOOB (only reason I have managed to set up pfsense is help of tutorials haha), How could I encrypt all my internet traffic LAN and WAN (like a transparent proxy/vpn) without actually using an external VPN or some other dudes VPN service (dont know if I can trust people providing the VPN). So using pfsense I can connect to a VPN easily but can I make the VPN local in the same network but make all traffic go through that first? I dont know if this makes any sense, but I basically wish to find a way to encrypt all my internet traffic without the use of a external VPN Thanks :)
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