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  1. so i think i found the reader http://www.newark.com/amphenol-commercial-products/114-00841-68/memory-card-connector-microsd/dp/60R0752 i would order some and see how it goes wish me luck
  2. ok so i check there nothing inside but i do see one pin down does any what type of micro SD card Reader it is to replace it?
  3. no i don't really know the best way to clean the reader Broti have any suggestions?
  4. i have the USB Rubber Ducky for two years and all of a sudden the SD reader would not work the chip set and the USB is fine but the reader would not work unless i press the end on the SD card to the bottom of the chip LED would be Green and runs the Script and if a leave it in the case or without pressure on the end of the SD card it would not Read no LED would be on - is there a way to change the SD read or desolder the old one and re-place it with a new one?
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