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Posts posted by Smarty

  1. Thank you for pointing this out. I was not aware of this.
    This issue has been raised long before the end of life though. So a fully functional "final" release before the Nano and Tetra are put to rest would be appreciated.

    I don't think there's much i can do myself, unless a newer version of openvpn for 19.07Openwrt is released adressing this issue?
    Other devices running 19.07 however don't seem to be impacted. Not much i can find about it.


  2. *BUMP*

    Updated Several Tetra's to 2.7 today. Experiencing the same openvpn problems as described above. Once the connection is established to Tetra hangs and / or reboots. I would really appreciate a fix for this issue! I really rely on my openVPN architecture to connect back to the Tetra's.


    Edit: Whoops. Seems searching my problem took me into a Nano subforum. Im experiencing this on a Tetra. Issue seems to be the same though!

  3. Hi!

    I seem to be having a problem with installing a kernel module on the Tetra.
    It's running the latest firmware. Installing any other module works just fine, except for kmod-usb-audio.


    Configuring kmod-usb-audio.
    modprobe: can't change directory to '': No such file or directory
    modprobe: can't change directory to '': No such file or directory


    afterwords its listed als installed program but not displayed when i give a lsmod.
    any thoughts? I cant seem to find the answer to this modprobe problem on any openWRT related forums.

    Problem is consistent on more than one Tetra


     opkg install kmod-usb-audio
    Installing kmod-usb-audio (3.18.20-1) to root...
    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/kmod-usb-audio_3.18.20-1_ar71xx.ipk.
    Multiple packages (kmod-usb-core and kmod-usb-core) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
    Installing kmod-sound-core (3.18.20-1) to root...
    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/kmod-sound-core_3.18.20-1_ar71xx.ipk.
    Installing kmod-input-core (3.18.20-1) to root...
    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/kmod-input-core_3.18.20-1_ar71xx.ipk.
    Configuring kmod-input-core.
    Configuring kmod-sound-core.
    Configuring kmod-usb-audio.
    modprobe: can't change directory to '': No such file or directory
    modprobe: can't change directory to '': No such file or directory
    Collected errors:
     * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-usb-audio:
     *      kernel (= 3.18.20-1-7bed08fa9c06eb8089e82c200340ec66) *         kernel (= 3.18.20-1-7bed08fa9c06eb8089e82c200340ec66) *         kernel (= 3.18.20-1-7bed08fa9c06eb8089e82c200340ec66) *
     * pkg_run_script: package "kmod-usb-audio" postinst script returned status 1.
     * opkg_configure: kmod-usb-audio.postinst returned 1.
    If the above errors were only about a kernel version missmatch, please ignore them. The package was installed successfully.

  4. Airodump can use gpsd to log the coordinates in the csv or kismet file. If you have a gpsd capable device you could have everything you need. You could also instruct gpsd to listnen on the bluenmea port. Should work. Never done it, but google for it.. lots of people using tethered gps into kismet etc.

  5. You asked to share your ethernet connection, so if you would use the pineapple as a layer 2/3 device an enterprise switch would catch you in the act.

    If you would set it up as and internet proxy, so application / session layer it could work, but you would lose all other functionality (eg domain functionality etc) to your coorporate laptop. Furthermore, the company could slap you on the wrist (or worse) for introducing a security risk into the network....

  6. Guess you could use macchanger to spoof the macadress of eth0. But if its an enterprise network, the switch you connect to will error disable the port if it detects a connected router or switch and traffic flowing to multiple macadresses on its port if that port is not set to trunk.. 


    So in theory yes.. in your use case probably not if its a proper network.

  7. You could always change the subnet if 253 clients arent enough. As for using alot of  bandwith, it all depends on the Processing Power of the nano.

    I dont own a Nano, but the Tetra handles lots of traffic very well, as supposed to the MK5 which in my case had trouble routing high traffic.


    Just test it with a couple of clients and HD streams 

  8. En nu is het aan jou wat je verder wilt doen. Je bent nu de "MiTM". Immers loopt het verkeer via een verbinding die jij volledig controleert. 

    Wat je verder kunt of wilt doen hangt af van het gene dat je wilt bereiken. Met Urlsnarf kun je aflezen welke sites er bezocht worden, en indien de site slecht is en wachtwoorden in de Url worden meegezonden kun je deze ook zien.  Als je data met Urlsnarf te zien krijgt dan werkt je setup...nogmaals wat je daarna wilt doen hangt af van je doel, maar over sslstrip of dnsspoofing zijn zat video's.

  9. No need to change route on windows. If you have a second cliënt connected to the pineapple wich is able to use internet thru the pineapple you are fine. Otherwise use "route" on the pineapple to display its default gw route.

    Try ssl strip on a diferent site and browser. I would use a second test client for it and not the windows laptop you use to share the connection.

    As for pineapp, all i know is, it  needs the default network config to be intact to work. Dont know if it has additional logging, maybe check the modules directory if it has?

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