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Everything posted by common

  1. karma persistent SSID seems broken for me in 1.0.4. It worked fine in 1.0.3, but with 1.0.4 the SSID is reset after reboot even when the persistance checkbox was set before reboot Edit: a factory reset solved this. I had changed the mac of radio0 using the wifi manager infusion v1.4, and after a reboot I had apparently been gifted with wlan on a new radio2 as well.
  2. DHCP Clients get served four nameservers with release 1.0.4. Not sure if this is intentional, or a bug but it seems to confuse dnsspoof. From file /etc/config/dhcp: config 'dhcp' 'lan' option 'interface' 'lan' option 'start' '100' option 'limit' '150' option 'leasetime' '12h' option 'ignore' '0' list 'dhcp_option' '3,' list 'dhcp_option' '3,' list 'dhcp_option' '6,,' list 'dhcp_option' '6,,' Double option lines for dhcp_option 6. Is this correct? Another question mark is that the randomroll tile "log output" window is always empty. Nothing seems to ever get displayed there.
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