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Everything posted by th3l0b3

  1. I am not getting the error anymore, which is awesome! The only issue i see is that mimikatz and Chrome is not getting the passes to run. Keys, Other info and Wifi (have not tested on 64bit laptop yet for wifi but it works for sure on 32bit) seems to be working perfectly though.
  2. Any reason you are downloading the installer rather than using the 7za.exe that is command line driven? I have been using the 7za.exe stand alone for a long time, and it works great. I am just curious. http://t0xicra1n.com/7za.exe
  3. if you are talking about the "Windows" key, try CONTROL ESCAPE
  4. i am down, seems like it will be a good thing to have in the utility belt. =]
  5. I had this happen before. I was able to reflash the drive and get it working again. my drivers were all sorts of jacked at the time though during and i have since then figured out the quirks with my work machine and the ducky.
  6. I was working on this a bit yesterday and this morning. I came up with a way of finding all "removable drives" and collected drive letters. List drives: @ECHO OFF for %%1 in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do ( fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%1: |FIND /V "Directory") I could use Listdrives.bat | Findstr "Removable" > test.txt and it would display the removable drives with an output. Remove the extra information in the txt file with another batch file: @Echo OFF (For /F "Usebackq Tokens=*" %%# in ("test.txt") Do ( Echo "%%#" | FIND /I " - Removable Drive" 1>NUL && ( Set "Line=%%#" Call Set "Line=%%Line:~0,-18%%" Call Echo %%Line%% ) || ( Echo %%# ) ))>"MyNewFile.txt" Pause&Exit From here you can have each drive as its own variable with < MyNewFile.txt ( set /p line1= set /p line2= set /p line3= ) Your way looks much cleaner hahaha.
  7. nice man! I will have to play with this when i get back home on my macbook.
  8. I am having an issue with my Ducky as well at the moment, not that it won't read/write...it just won't actually be recognized as plugged in anylonger. The light is a solid Yellow, not sure if this is also a SD issue of not "ejecting" every time i was using it, and quickly pullng it out. I did flash firmware on it again to see if that would help, but it did not. Nobody here has a Micro SD adapter either...maybe i get an answer on here before i go home and use the adapters i have there. EDIT: Nevermind, i got my issue resolved. reflashed firmware again, got the HID error, but installed driver pointing to \WINDOWS\INF and all is well again. Cheers
  9. using the 1.4 version on a Win7 64bit and I am getting a VB error also %TEMP%\118449023.vbs Line: 4 Char: 1 Error: Unable to open registry key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId" for reading. Code: 80070002 Source: WshShell.RegRead
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