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About cyberjackcyberjack

  • Birthday 05/04/1977

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  • Interests
    WiFi, Hacking, Snooping,

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  1. yeah i guess so, sometimes you just plane unlucky, and not much you can do. .... A week for wordlist to finish :( ... thank god for pyrit and GPU's .. its takes about 3 days on mine. .. Fastest i ever seen was with a dual tesla card think it was around 26,000 pmks ... ha well be nice if we all had £600 to spend on graphics card(s)... .. even if you was to generate all combos with crunch (8 chrs) it would be well over a 1.5TB ... i know ive tryed it .. hardly practical...
  2. default set key on 2wire. ? sadly so mate to be fare if it got wps turnd off i would'nt have given it a try, chances of cracking a default set key is 1,0000 to 1. and its unikly the wpa key algorithm bean leakd ( SKY got thares crackd awile ago) hears the link for that xxx.cm9.net/skypass/
  3. Yes mate this is with reaver. .. if still not much speed then lower your data rate with the "iwconfig" command for ex .. iwconfig wlan0 rate 2M ( asume your wifi is "wlan0")
  4. Very true, i not usualy intrested in the "borrowed" connection, i much prefer the challenge of the crack proccess ! ... WPS works just nice on Virginmedia, and talktalk AP's :) if you put a -S at the end ( this is small packets) speeds things up.
  5. Hak5 Fan ++ you very welcome, glad it helped you out. .. For a point of reference, i noticed a lot of people banging on about rainbow tables, in my experience thy are a complete waste of time, bandwidth and hd space !. .. I saw one that was about 34GB in size and only had around 1000 words and was compiled ageist around 100 DEFAULT essids such as netgear, linksys ...etc .. witch is stupid because default set wpa keys are random chars anywhere from 8 - 12 chrs long, so no dictionary in world would crack them. (usually can use reaver to crack pin tho :) ) . so thing to bare in mind is .. custom essid = custom wpa key.! so much more the likely-hood of cracking them. :)
  6. hears some download links for you https://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/5945498/ http://isohunt.com/download/247726861 http://www.torrenthound.com/hash/3f1f5321b1275b33bc0970c743be032be828a4f7/torrent-info/WPA-PSK-WORDLIST-3-Final-13-GB-rar
  7. I was googlein my wordlist and i found this, am rather flatterd, thanks guys for you comments and compliments. if anyone has any other comments or sugestions then you can email me ( my email is included in the torrent). 1 point i would like to mention, as i have sooooo many questions asking " how do i open your wordlist?" or "Aircrack-ng says is blank" A1. you cant open it lol, no one has that amount of ram installed ay ?, and why would you want to ? A2 Aircrack-ng only supports files up to 2gb Max ! so i would use Pyrit in backtrack and ditch aircrack-ng, its a little outdated. and pyrit can use GPU for more speed far more than most CPU could ever hope to accumpish. for ex: I have a Quad core, and a geforce 620 gtx and get around 13,000 pmks much faster than rubbish aircrack-ng, hears a pyrit chart to cmpair results for yourself. http://code.google.com/p/pyrit/ and hear is some usefull wordlist manipulation commands to clean up your wordlists. ======================================================= Here are some useful commands to clean-up your wordlists (for WPA / Wi-Fi) (FOR BACKTRACK 5) ======================================================== 1. To remove all none compatible WPA word-lengths (8-63) cat yourwordlistfile | pw-inspector -m 8 -M 30 > yournewfile This will cut out all words that are NOT 8 - 30 letters in length and put them in "yournewfile". I know the max WPA length is 63 but 30 is more realistic for a potential password ========================================================== 2. To join multi wordlist files cat file1 file2 file3 .. etc > newfile This would join file1 file2 file2 and put it in newfile ========================================================== 3. To remove all duplicate words cat wordlistfile | uniq > newfile =========================================================== 4. to remove all html shit, white space and none alphanumeric entries i.e. !"!£"$%$$%^&*&(*)()_+><? (I would run this first) cat wordlistfile | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g' > newfile =========================================================== 5. To convert all to lowercase tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' < inputfile > outputfile
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