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  1. Consistency (and thereby lack of it) and relevance of content are the two most significant factors that determine short- and long-term viability of blogs and websites. We like fresh content, but we also like to know what it is we're looking at and why it's relevant. If possible try to aim for one post every so-many days. Do whatever is feasible, but keep the frequency count consistent, otherwise people drift elsewhere. Agree with previous poster also. The number one driver to your blog is great content. Forget SEO. Great content delivers the same, if not better results than SEO. The more people that link, cite, and refer your content, the more you'll move up the ladder. I look forward to reading your blog!
  2. I've noticed that a lot of DNS spoofing tutorials result with the address bar indicating twitter.com/twitter.com or Facebook.com/facebook.html. How do you customize what's displayed in the address bar in order to make the URL look more legitimate? I recall seeing several videos where the address bar looked legitimate, even though DNS was clearly spoofed. I'm currently trying to accomplish this with a Pineapple MK4, but I'd like to know how to circumvent this annoying quirk using Linux as well. I tried modifying various lines in several html and php files without any luck.thanks
  3. solved update: I used the web consoles to transfer the update.bin and then returned to Putty to run the update.
  4. Almost done. Can you elaborate on this statement: I attempted this: scp upgrade.bin root@ and got this /usr/bin/dbclient: Exited: Error connecting: Network is unreachable lost connection
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