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Posts posted by mahorelee

  1. Seems like a great Payload. I tested it out and I found out that this version of the Run.exe does not work for me. It brings up a window asking me yes or no if I want to allow diskport to make changes.

    I plugged it into the other Run.exe code and everything ran fine. When the .bat is executed this is what happens.


  2. Yes the first one worked, Thank You! I have been tampering with it and I do have a question. What is the difference between

    STRING for /f %d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%d
    STRING %myd%
    STRING START Payload.exe

    and your code. Since you have to wait for the ducky to mount before you can run a payload anyways I don't see a difference. between running it straight from CMD rather than making a batch file. Also I don't see what invis.vbs does? I'd really love to learn!

  3. Okay thank you for your help.

    I do have TwinDuck

    I have left my Ducky in for a while each time so I do not think that is the problem

    I am running on the same computer (Windows 7)

    I do not know C++, I know Java and Python. But I have been using the default notepad exe file located on all windows and another exe I found. (I can make a hello world exe file with C++ if you think that would help, it would just take an hour or so)

    The exe file is on the root (see picture)

    Text file is updated

    ***I do not know what the .inf file is so that is not on the root of the Ducky. That might be the problem

    Drive is renamed to DUCKY

    The inject.bin is on the root of the drive too.

    I will do troubleshooting and take screenshots here shortly if the .inf file is not the problem.


  4. I got the payload to work but not with the .exe file I need it to work with. It will auto open paint or a calculator exe file but not this certain .exe file I have. The .exe file I have auto extracts documents and computer files into a folder. I have no idea why it will not work with this .exe but will with any other I have tried. The payload executes everything fine but the .exe does not open.

    This is the payload https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/wiki/Payload---runexe-from-sd

    Any help would be great. Thanks.

  5. Okay I think a Payload that runs an exe on the sd card using Twin Ducky would be useful. I've found code from other people but I can not get this idea to work. The code below opens the cmd prompt but does not do anything else. I have renamed the Ducky flash drive to DUCKY. The one on the Wiki did not work for me and seemed too complex. Any help would be great.

    DELAY 3000
    DELAY 100
    STRING cmd
    DELAY 100
    DELAY 100
    STRING for /f %d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%d
    STRING %myd%\Payload.exe
  6. I want to buy the Ducky but I need it to have more storage and to hold data. The payload I want to make is for the usb to back up files on the computer once plugged in. I read that the storage can be increased but the ability for Ducky to be used as a normal usb is not clear. Any help would be great, thanks!

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