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Everything posted by s_o_r_c_e_r_e_r

  1. My problem was that any "Q STRING" line ending with ".txt" will fail, that's why there is nothing showing up in the loot folder if you are trying to put a file with the ".txt" extension there. The workaround for me was: Q STRING file.tx Q STRING t Q ENTER
  2. Yes, as a workaround for now that actually works. Thanks!
  3. Ok. I did a new test and put every line in single quotes, but the line ending with ".txt" is still not showing? LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID DUCKY_LANG no Q STRING 'test.tx' Q ENTER Q STRING 'test.xt' Q ENTER Q STRING 'test.txt' Q ENTER Q STRING 'test.doc' Q ENTER LED G 1000 Result: test.tx test.xt test.doc
  4. Ok, this just make no sense at all. To me it seems like it is the ending "txt" that is the problem, because "doc" works fine, and even "tx" will work. I am totally lost here. Of cause I could just go with another file extension than "txt", but this is not how it should work. Here are the results of the different suggestions you made: LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID DUCKY_LANG no Q STRING ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.doc Q ENTER Q STRING ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.txt Q ENTER LED G 1000 Result: ipconfig all > f:\loot\test.doc LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID DUCKY_LANG no Q STRING ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.txt Q ENTER Q STRING ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.doc Q ENTER LED G 1000 Result: ipconfig all > f:\loot\test.doc LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID DUCKY_LANG no Q STRING "ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.txt" Q ENTER Q STRING "ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.doc" Q ENTER LED G 1000 Result: ipconfig all \> f:\loot\test.doc
  5. I have this strange quacking behaviour: When i output to notepad, This line is quacking just fine: Q STRING ipconfig /all \> f:\\loot\\test.doc This line is not quacking at all: Q STRING ipconfig /all \> f:\\loot\\test.txt Is this a bug, or am I totally overlooking something? This is my simple test script: LED SETUP ATTACKMODE HID DUCKY_LANG no Q STRING ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.doc Q ENTER Q STRING ipconfig all \> f:\\loot\\test.txt Q ENTER LED G 100 I am on version : 1.3_267 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hello. I am getting the following error when running the reverse shell script: c:\decoder.vbs(2, 179) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected integer constant I tried it on Windows 7 and 10 with the same result. Here is the script I am using: And here is the screen output: Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  7. Mine is an AWUS036NHA. I also got a D-Link DWA-140 witch also worked fine under 2.8.0, but same problem as stated above with 2.8.1 :-( But I do not know if it is the 2.8.1 firmware or the Wifi Jammer that is the problem?
  8. As I have some problems with 2.8.1, I was wondering if you guys have any ideas on when 3.0 will be released?
  9. I've got the same problem as you bitSS. Before upgrading from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1 everything worked fine, so I think it has something to do with 2.8.1 and wifi jammer not working too well together? Would be nice to have Whistle Master's comment on this......
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