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Everything posted by loco870

  1. Thank you your help but still not working, same problem yet, this command "java -jar encoder.jar -l resources/pt.properties -i source.txt -o inject.bin" It's correct? I think the encode is not using pt.properties, any ideas?
  2. Hello Guys! I'm Brazilian, work as IT Security, I want learn DUCKY for incremental PenTest and I learned so much in this forum! Great forum! I try to encode using this command java -jar encoder.jar -l resources/pt.properties -i source.txt -o inject.bin but when I plug my ducky this code "for /f %d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%d" but the command print like this "for &f %d in *-wmic volume get driveletter}, label }" findstr @DUCKY@-( do set myd)%d" Someone can I help me?
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