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Everything posted by madviperseven

  1. VB.Net is a somewhat easy language to learn. Some people, such as myself, find lower-level languages like C and C++ easier to learn because their relationship to the machine code is more direct and intuitive. As ApacheTech Consultancy stated, VB.Net segues neatly into Microsoft's other .Net languages, which is imo both a positive and a negative. You will dedicating time and mindshare to a single platform and the producr of that platform is generally belligerant toward other platforms, further .Net could disappear into a puff of smoke like so many other proprietary products. C and C++ have stood the test of time and are developed by a relatively neutral standards body (ANSI). Binaries aren't cross-platform but can be cross-compiled and C/C++ compilers are available on virtually every platform. Another disadvantage of VB.Net is the tiered version model means you need to pay for more functionality and code you find written by someone with Pro might not even compile with Express. (Academic versions are available though!) Having said all that, doing the GUI stuff is obviously much easier in VB.Net. In spite of the quarks of working with .Net, you'll still develop fundamental skills (structured programming, OO, etc.). You can produce programs rapidly and it can be fun (although some things are actually much easier in lower-level languages (ie working with raw TCP/IP). I've never worked with python, but from what I do know I think it might be your next best step. It's free, open-source, cross-platform and higher-level than C/C++ (meaning you wont have to deal directly with memory and system calls). Also, I believe you can use Python as a scripting back-end for a web server, so you can take what you know about web-languages and build from their until you decidide to get into client-side programming. In summary: VB.net, if you want to quickly write GUI-centric programs C/C++ if you find working with higher level languages more difficult (some people do) Python if you want to build incrementally upon what you already know (my recommendation) Have a good day, mvs
  2. if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) { if (search(DATA.data, "Accept-Encoding")) { replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Rubbish!"); # note: replacement string is same length as original string msg("zapped Accept-Encoding!\n"); } } if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) { replace("img src=", "img src=\"http://www.irongeek.com/images/jollypwn.png\" "); replace("IMG SRC=", "img src=\"http://www.irongeek.com/images/jollypwn.png\" "); #replace("<p>", "<p>Text I want to display</p>"); #replace("<P>", "<P>Test I want to display</P>"); pcre_regex(DATA.data, "\<[pP]\>.*<\/[pP]\>", "\Q<p>Text I want to display</p>\E"); } Maybe something like this...
  3. I'm not familiar with ettercap filters, but it would appear that your code should produce: <p>Text I want to display</p>[ORIGINAL TEXT]</p> Firstly, all your code does is replace the <p> tag with your desired text. It does not replace the content or the closing tag. Here's a link to the etterfilter manpage: http://linux.die.net/man/8/etterfilter Try using the pcre_regex() function instead.
  4. Hello. This is probably a very amateurish question but I'm curious as to how a system running a processor with the "AES NI" extension will perform when combined with an SSD with on-board AES in a full disk encryption environment. How would the system perform: -with AES NI and on-disk encryption enabled? -AES NI disabled, on-disk encryption enabled? -AES NI enabled, on-disk encryption disabled? Perhaps this is a research question but I was wondering if anybody could provide the answer quickly. Does anybody have any hands-on experience with these configurations? Stay safe, mvs
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