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  1. Hi snake, before starting with the it.properties, I'd like to try to use german layout, cause it seems many keys are coded in the same way. But I keep getting an error when I try to use the "-l" parameter... Actually, it's not an error, it just print the encoder's readme file. I suppose I make some syntax mistake...any suggestion? Thanks a lot for your support.
  2. Actually, it should work with txt payload as well…
  3. Thank you snake, it's just what I've hoped for. So what I should do? Up to now I only used the online duckencoder (http://www.iducke.com/Encoder/IDE); do you think I should give the version 2.2 a try or it definetely won't work because of my keyboard layout?
  4. Hi everyone, I've got an Italian keyboard / italian Windows 7 version, what should I do in order to run rDucky payloads correctly? Everything works fine if I only have to press keys like ENTER, ARROWS, WINDOWS, CTRL or characters from a to z, but it freaks out with every other symbol like brakets, dots, commas etc. Is there an encoder version I should use to make my ducky work fine? thanks armyofangels
  5. Yeah, this way it should work (only with english/us windows version)
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