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  1. Could I use my "Alpha" NIC cards to block RFID Or Cell Phone FREQUENCY?
  2. Is it achievable? - Will the Evil portal Metasploit meterpreter exploit method work the same for mobile devices as it does for windows machines. Havent tested it yet, But im sure someone has. For those who have tested it, Does it work or does it require the user to install the test.apk manually. You know what I mean? Will my test.apk install silently when I click accept to my TOS on my captive portal page?
  3. Is it achievable? - Will the Evil portal Metasploit meterpreter exploit method work the same for mobile devices as it does for windows machines. Havent tested it yet, But im sure someone has. For those who have tested it, Does it work or does it require the user to install the test.apk manually. You know what I mean? Will my test.apk install silently when I click accept to my TOS on my captive portal page? -Hoodoo
  4. I really wish I could help W/ this, but I'm no where near the coder that I'd like to be. I will follow this thread and try any BETA testing though, Did you say EvilPortal! Teehee
  5. I recently received my Pineapple as well, and well, the obvious had happened. yada yada, Green and Amber lights etc. Thing is :) with a little bit of READING on the forums, I figured it out and got it working! Not a big issue, What can I say, technology at random. :)
  6. Good recommendations, I wonder what other people are doing as well.
  7. What have you guys done with the Mk4 now that you have the Mk5? Are there any creative ways to combine these two together to make a SUPER Pineapple Just wondering. It'll be a shame to watch the Mk4 become a paper weight or a dust collector?
  8. Right on, Right on, Thanks for the reply's.
  9. About how long should I charge for? 12 hours, 4, 24 etc. ? How do I know if its fully charged? Green/red lights don't seem to be working properly. Thanks
  10. Right on Darren thank you for the quick replay. Enjoy your weekend my man.
  11. Today is the BIG BIG day I get my MK5 today :) Totally excited about the new functions that it has to offer. Hopefully I wont have the same issues that I had with my Mk4; such as power and signal strengths. Aside from the hardware issues, Im curious about the software side of things , Such as Karma. I understand the whole concept behind the yes man theory and Karma, However, I don't understand why its really needed and I have some question's? while testing with my Mk4 I don't recall ever turning Karma on. My test clients would automatically connect once I pre configured the AP. I think I ran into conflict and confusion with Karma when it came to "encrypted networks." Is Karma suppose to detect what the PSK once you enable it. Or does Karma only work with open networks? Noob question im sure, and may have already been explained. Sorry for the repost if any. Just need some clarification real quick. Thanks!! Update: Karma works.
  12. Has anyone discovered any new information on opening this thing up for customization?
  13. Great Stuff WM, I'm happy to see the new Mac changer installment, Thank you! YOU DA man! After testing with the new Mac changing option Ive noticed every thing seemed to be okay, However, when I went to connect to the AP. I was unable to obtain an ip, and therefor was unable to connect. I rebooted the pineapple to try again, but I got the same result, I ended up having to do a re-flash. Also since were on topic, Would it be possible for the future to come to have a manual mac changing option as opposed to random,(or maybe both options) The intent would be to spoof the mac AP address that your trying to pose as. Correct me if im wrong, When Windows 7 see's the AP, it connects automatically, however since its a new Mac Address it creates a new setting for your network security settings. The Home,Public and Office splash screen will appear making it an obvious. plus the network AP will appear with a '2' beside the name, making "linksys2" I don't know if by spoofing the mac address will correct this and make it more elite!!!! but if it did, that would be cool!
  14. Perfect, Any idea when this will be available? Thanks :)
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