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Whistle Master

Pineapple Moderators
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Everything posted by Whistle Master

  1. @janekong: Please do not post multiple times and do not create separate threads for questions related to the same topic, it just makes harder to help you and it will be confusing other users. I merged the topics. That's said... What are you trying to achieve by creating a second AP ? Based on your /etc/config/wireless file, you are using the same SSID (pineapple da:9) for your two physical interfaces. Try to change the second one to something else (MYAP) and you will notice this second SSID to be broadcasted.
  2. You have to install infusions through the pineapple bar to avoid problems and issues not related to the infusions itself. I suggest that you re-flash your pineapple to get the initial configuration. I will add a confirmation message in the next version ;)
  3. They are running in the background. If you start one of them and when you refresh the page it says it's not running, especially if you don't see any logs, this means that they are not running.
  4. Thanks for your report ! It relates to the firmware itself, I suggest that you create a new bug report as well.
  5. Could please post now the content of your /etc/config/wireless and iwconfig, ifconfig and a screenshot of the small and large tile ?
  6. You have to install it on usb. sslstrip requires python and does not fit on the internal memory.
  7. Everything is said ;) All the information is available on the wiki, the forums and the book, covering the questions you have. I lock the topic to avoid duplicating the information on multiple places.
  8. As explained by Seb, you install the infusion through the pineapple bar. Then, open the large tile by clicking on the small sslstrip tile title and follow the instructions to install the sslstrip program. The infusion and the program are two completely separated things.
  9. I suggest that you re-flash your pineapple with firmware 3.0, it should fix your issue.
  10. The WiFi Manager takes all the information from this file and your file is a bit strange. Based on the content, it appears that you have 3 physical interfaces: config wifi-device 'radio0' config wifi-device 'radio1' config wifi-device 'radio2' Moreover the radio2 section is not complete and a bit strange... I suggest that you re-flash your pineapple. I made some tests with two external physical interfaces and did not have any issues.
  11. Could you please send the content of /etc/config/wireless ?
  12. The problem should be fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience. @dustbyter: the issue was totally from my side. It was not possible from an user's perspective to fix the issue.
  13. I merged two topics which are about the same issue and pinned the topic to make sure users are kept informed by the problem. I am going to investigate the problem and keep you informed about the resolution. EDIT: I found the issue. I will fix it as soon as possible.
  14. Right, thanks for your report, I will investigate with seb the issue.
  15. Is it the same for all infusions ? Does it work on internal storage ?
  16. Make sure you installed the latest version of the Pineapple Bar. Infusions are working on my side when installed manually.
  17. new module versions have been fixed and uploaded.
  18. I chose for all my infusions to not use the auto refresh on v3.0 firmware. I added instead a refresh link to leave it to the user to update or not the content. This reduces the load on the pineapple.
  19. This means that the connection has dropped with your router. Which firmware are you using ? Have you tried to manually connect with the Wifi connect script ?
  20. This is due to the modules themselves. Fixes are already ready and will be published very soon.
  21. Could you please follow the simplified usage and see if it works for you ?
  22. That's not quite accurate actually ;) Some modules are already updated for firmware 3.0, the most important I would say.
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