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run it backwards

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  1. Don't use wicd, use terminal For example: ifconfig eth0 If you haven't changed any settings, use the ip above. Regards
  2. Total can of worms here... but I find that the pineapple gives a tremendous amount of opportunities for Social Engineering. A simple method I once used before was to set up the pineapple for phishing like Darren's tutorial showed (for the mark II). Create a file through metasploit to open a reverse TCP or what have you on the target machine when opened and throw it in the /www folder on the pineapple. Then, socially engineer them to open the file (convince them they need to run the file for an imaginary facebook plugin to work from your phished site). Rather confident that the Social Engineering Toolkit could do this better than just described; I just did a proof of concept but you get the idea. Regards
  3. Hello guys, Just received a Mark III and it is really beautiful! For a starter, I followed the phishing example (redirect.php on the device to a fake site). I wondered something. In the mark II example, Darren walked through creating a simple log of the user + passes. For casual purposes, that is fine, but I am interested in using this for my pentests. I want to also capture the MAC address of the machine that submitted the user/pass. I've been wrapping my mind around this for a few hours and wanted some input on ideas to go about this. Thanks!
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