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  1. Bleh, now everything is fixed... If I go to work and its suddenly broken I'll explode.

  2. Doom 3 all the way, the atmosphere is to die for... XD see what I did there?
  3. Kelso


    I've been following the show for over a year now, don't worry the wandering doesn't bother me. It actually helps keep from boring me too much, even something interesting gets old after several hours at a go. I watch the show for the guys (and gal) just as much as I do for the info.
  4. Kelso


    as far as I know Haktip:40 is still MIA as well. Did notice Darren got a little sidetracked...
  5. Use your google-fu, probably will have to make one from scratch. Just remember that the length of that antennae is super important, depending what frequency your pushing (or receiving)through that antennae will affect how long it needs to be. PS you will want it to be insulated... hope that helps
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