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Everything posted by no42

  1. Have you tried the HID only (duck.hex) firmware as opposed to the Twinduck (c_duck.hex) firmware.
  2. have you tried another sdcard? possibilities are: faulty sdcard faulty sdcard reader
  3. get a usb keyboard, download usblyzer (30 day free trial). get everything running. push the 'a' key five times, then followed by the combo to get your character (repeated 5x) , followed by 'a' key five times. post the capture, link to the capture on this forum, so we can dissect the trace and and figure out how to implement the combo in the firmware and encoder
  4. I use the AWUS036NH, and have had no problems with it, now going strong after 3 years of operation. Previously used the AWUS036H, but if I used it at 1 watt regularly - it would eventually burn out somewhere between 6months - 1 year.
  5. It was in the past the following: Deluxe Extra Parts: micro usb adapter (for android phones) micro sdcard adapter covert usb case more stickers? Basic Parts: bare naked ducky!But I think the Deluxe kit is now standard! $39.99(USD) Its now a lot cheaper than when the project started, originally the bare naked ducky was $80(USD)!
  6. Firmware: Detour/Multi-Duck m_duck.hex (Detour Duck(formerly Naked Duck)) Based off a request in the forum (Sorry cant remember who asked first?) I spent many a month trying to work out if payloads could be delivered based on keyboard LEDs, or on push of a Keyboard button that triggers an LED (eg. CAPS_Lock). This firmware supports multiple-payloads: inject.bin - default payload (will always run first) inject2.bin - NUM_LOCK inject3.bin - CAPS_LOCK inject4.bin - SCROLL_LOCK Basically, inject.bin will always be triggered on Ducky insertion. inject2/3/4.bin is triggered by ensuring only Num_Lock/Caps_Lock/Scroll_Lock Keyboard LED is lit, followed by pushing the button on the Ducky. This projects Firmware was originally nicknamed The Naked Duck / Naked Ducky Edition as the Ducky has to be naked for you to push the button and trigger the 2nd/3rd payload. Version 2 developments, mean the Ducky can now trigger on solely lit LEDs (if multiple LEDs are lit the last LED will take priority) Intended Purpose One Ducky; Supporting 2x Operating Systems, Or staged Payloads: inject.bin - default file (simple 1-liner "DELAY 5000") inject2.bin - Windows XP Script/ Payload 2 inject3.bin - OSX Script / Payload 3 inject4.bin - Windows 7 Script / Payload 4 Multi OS Support So on Windows Host, ensure Num_Lock is Lit, push the Ducky's button to deliver a Windows-based Payload. On OSX, ensure Caps_Lock is Lit, push the Ducky's button to deliver an OSX-based Payload. Multi Payload Support By default inject.bin triggers on insertion of the Ducky. You may depending on installed software (e.g. powershell) want to trigger one of two different payloads. Windows 7+ - Use Num_Lock for inject2.bin to utilise powershell Windows XP - Use Caps_Lock for inject3.bin to utilise other windows binaries (eg tftp to download payloads) Reference: https://code.google.com/p/ducky-decode/wiki/Which_Firmware
  7. Good resource of support chipsets & devices: http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr Ideally you want the following tuner: R820T - Tuner 24MHz to 1850MHz ; Now the E4000 has gone this is the tuner to get as it's comparable in performance. It also seems to be cheaper overall.Quick search on amazon shows this device (which will work) http://www.amazon.com/Receiver-RTL2832U-Compatible-Packages-Guaranteed/dp/B009U7WZCA/ You can find cheaper ones, just check the chipset and tuner! Nooelec specialises in RF/SDR equipment http://www.nooelec.com/store/
  8. think he is still trying to figure out rtl_adsb?
  9. You can also try http://www.irrational.net/2012/08/06/tracking-planes-for-20-or-less/ but I gave up, as i was having some gnu radio version problems. So decided to stick with dump1090 - its easy peazy!
  10. Do the keys / ? work on the ducky? If not i think their base key code may = 0x87
  11. Python & Scapy - is good for creating/manipulating packets Ettercap can manipulate packets based on a series of filters. Not sure if Netdude can do what you want, but you could capture with wireshark, modify with netdude, and resend with tcp-relay
  12. Hmm, tricky - it requires a 3rd byte. (Current Ducky works off a 2-byte statemachine) It involves altering the firmware, and the encoder, I'm also not sure how to do this as ATMEL have no info that I can find on extended keyboard charsets. This requires more research and digging into the ATMEL AVR Keyboard guides. Even I require help for this one.
  13. what is your processor load? you can get this from 'htop' , 'sar' or 'mpstat -P ALL'
  14. Yes, That be CB Radio! Normally uses AM, Upper Sideband (USB) Lower Sideband (LSB), there should be approx. 40 channels in that space.
  15. If you want to reach AM, you'll probably need one of these http://www.nooelec.com/store/ham-it-up-v1-0-rf-upconverter-for-software-defined-radio.html edit: and if you want to reach up into 2.4+GHz something like http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2012-best-selling-L-O1998MHZ-MMDS-down-converter/670265064.html
  16. In the UK I have used a friends http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/sky-scan-mobile-scannerantenna-qt33l ; get me from 20MHz - 2GHz RX Have tried http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/scanking-discone-antenna-qt28f; but only gets me 20MHz - 1.3GHz RX You can try making your own http://www.sdrformariners.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/beginner-antennas.html + http://helix.air.net.au/index.php/d-i-y-discone-for-rtlsdr/ Theres more to read up on here: http://rtlsdr.org/antennas
  17. you could try using a more light-weight window manger. e.g. Pi uses LXDE, or openbox. You can also try to 'renice' the process in linx to change its priority example: sudo renice -n -20 -p 85309 command breakdown renice -n <number> -p <process> negative numbers have higher priority, therefore highest -20, lowest priority 20, with 0 = base / normal
  18. Gnuradio can be tricky on different flavours of linux, and OSX; had a nightmare of a time when OSX updated to Mavericks! But we definately got the drivers working :) I've even tried running an old version of Gnu-radio for the GSM sniffing (personal mobile in small faraday box) and have been unsuccessful; SDR can be very fun and very challenging!
  19. you have to run a slightly older version of GnuRadio <3.6.3 for it to work. The original author has not ported the programs to the current version 3.72
  20. your dongle actually works; the problem is the 3rd-party software driving the dongle referring to http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr sudo rtl_fm -f <frequency of station in hertz> -W -s 200000 -r 48000 - | aplay -r 48k -f S16_LE replace <frequency of station in hertz> with a local FM radio station, and hopefully it should play, and you'll hear the local radio example FM station 90.1 would be entered above as 90100000
  21. ok open up the script and change the line (line 588) *6.0*|*wheezy*|*sid*|*7.1*|*7.0*|*7.2*) to *6.0*|*wheezy*|*sid*|*7.1*|*7.0*|*7.2*|*7.3*) and try running the script again
  22. can you cat /etc/debian_version we might be able to trick the install script?
  23. keep going, your OS is debian based, can't see why it should fail? Edit: the script should work for these versions of debian *6.0*|*wheezy*|*sid*|*7.1*|*7.0*|*7.2* can you cat /etc/debian_version
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