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Posts posted by no42

  1. 1 - that limit should only be on the twin duck(+), as the payload is being loaded into memory. It should not effect the original duck firmware or ducky-detour

    Also, each character is stored as a byte in memory - it may be possible to rewrite the firmware to load the payload into memory in a compressed form - approximately doubling the space; requires firmware re-programming

    2 - limitations of the FAT SD library from ATMEL ? not sure I haven't tried any SDcards bigger than 2GB at the moment.

  2. wow, Ive never seen that error before, regarding flip.

    Basically there is a problem with your Java CLASSPATH.

    I think this means you have Java Runtime installed, but you actually need Java Development Kit (JDK), can you verify what Java installations are installed?

    Link JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html

    If this does not solve the problem, I'll try again...

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