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Everything posted by jadedsecurity

  1. Thanks all.. The script worked great... The Robin firmware is kinda shitty.. Can't get Jaseger (or Karma) working, and LuCi won't install cleanly.. Working on building my own image... Thanks for all your help..
  2. Spent this weekend trying to get jasager installed on the om1p and up this moment am still running into watchdog issues. Thanks to leg3nd in the #backtrack-linux forums for all his help The firmware posted by digininja just doesn't take either manually or using any of the flash utilities.. I have been able to install openwrt by: Downloading http://dev.cloudtrax.com/downloads/testing/firmware/open-mesh-flash http://dev.cloudtrax.com/downloads/testing/firmware/openwrt-atheros-root.squashfs http://dev.cloudtrax.com/downloads/testing/firmware/openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma http://opensimpad.org/images/b/b9/RedbootSL_01.tar.bz22 1. Setting eth0 to netmask 2. Connecting the two into their own switch 2. open-mesh-flash 1 redbootRom.bin 3. Power on om1p and wait for the flash to complete. Once completed rinse and repeat with the openwrt firmware open-mesh-flash 1 openwrt-atheros-root.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma Once it comes back the openwrt firmware loses the address and starts looking for DHCP on the wired interface.... So I kicked off dhcp3 eth0 on the main host ssh root@172.16.1.x lucid installed neither is gpio so the script I found for disabling watchdog http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/OM1P_config doesn't work obviously root@openmesh: opkg update oot@openmesh: opkg install lucid-core oot@openmesh: opkg install gpioctl Set this up as outlined on http://wiki-robin.meshroot.com/Howto/Open-Mesh_OM1P/Disable_Watchdog created /tmp/sucks.sh #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/gpioctl dirout 3 /usr/bin/gpioctl clear 3 sleep 1 /usr/bin/gpioctl set 3 crontab -l 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56 * * * * /tmp/sucks.sh /etc/init.d/cron restart still reboots every 5 minutes.. also zero out passwd in /etc/httpd.conf because I couldn't find the default robin password in any documentation
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