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  1. With the dnsmasq config file, i meant the /etc/config/dhcp. I guess i'll be flashing the fonera again... Dumb resolution, but probably the best way... Just can't understand the dhcpdiscovery -> dhcpoffer but no dhcpack... ;)
  2. The internet router is on a different subnet than the lan card that is hooked up to the jasager (192.168.1.x internet router). Even with the ethernet cable disconnected, the jasager should be able to address a dhcp ip to a wireless client... I saw your tutorial, and my setup was based on yours, but maybe the problem is in the dnsmasq config file. I searched for this problem here, and saw no one with this, that's why i asked ;)
  3. Hi there! I've looking in the forums the reason to my problem, but once i couldn't find anyone with this problem, i decided to post this question. So i installed Jasager on my fonera, and configured the dnsmasq as a DHCP server, (also edited some init scripts to automatically start the wireless interface and karma), but something strange is happening. When a client tries to connect to the jasager, the jasager sees de DHCPDiscover packet and replies with a DHCPOffer, but the real problem is that there is no DHCPAck on the client side. I tried this with different clients, but the problema remains... I am leaving here the configuration files so that anyone can spot any problem. /etc/config/network config 'interface' 'loopback' option 'ifname' 'lo' option 'proto' 'static' option 'ipaddr' '' option 'netmask' '' config 'interface' 'lan' option 'ifname' 'eth0' option 'type' 'bridge' option 'proto' 'static' option 'ipaddr' '' option 'netmask' '' option 'gateway' '' option 'dns' '' config 'interface' 'wifi' option 'ifname' 'ath0' option 'proto' 'static' option 'ipaddr' '' option 'netmask' '' /etc/config/dhcp config 'dnsmasq' option 'domainneeded' '1' option 'boguspriv' '0' option 'filterwin2k' '0' option 'localise_queries' '1' option 'local' '/lan/' option 'domain' 'lan' option 'expandhosts' '1' option 'nonegcache' '0' option 'authoritative' '1' option 'readethers' '1' option 'leasefile' '/tmp/dhcp.leases' option 'resolvfile' '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto' config 'dhcp' 'lan' option 'interface' 'lan' option 'start' '100' option 'limit' '150' list 'dhcp_option' '1,' list 'dhcp_option' '3,' list 'dhcp_option' '6,' option 'leasetime' '60m' config 'dhcp' 'wan' option 'interface' 'wan' option 'ignore' '1' /etc/init.d/jasager #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2008 dninja@gmail.com START=50 start() { include /lib/network scan_interfaces wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode master 2>&1 > /dev/null ifconfig ath0 netmask up /karma/bin/create_option_list.rb [ -d /karma/www -a -f /karma/etc/httpd.conf ] && httpd -p 1471 -h /karma/www -r karma -c /karma/etc/httpd.conf iptables -I FORWARD -i ath0 -o br-lan -j ACCEPT logread -f | awk '{if ($0 ~ /(KARMA: |DHCPACK|DHCPDISCOVER|DHCPOFFER|DHCPREQUEST)/) {sub (/ \(.*\).*: /, ": ", $0); print $0 ;}} ' > /tmp/status.log & tail -f /tmp/status.log | /karma/bin/logwatch & } stop() { killall httpd } Log example: Jan 1 04:53:00 OpenWrt daemon.info dnsmasq[3327]: DHCPOFFER(ath0) 00:17:9a:7c:19:07 Jan 1 04:53:14 OpenWrt daemon.info dnsmasq[3327]: DHCPDISCOVER(ath0) 00:17:9a:7c:19:07 Jan 1 04:53:14 OpenWrt daemon.info dnsmasq[3327]: DHCPOFFER(ath0) 00:17:9a:7c:19:07 The setup i am trying to configure is something like jasager (lan:, wifi:> BT5 MITM(lan: -> Internet router I believe i am not missing anything, in any case just ask. Thanks ;)
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