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Everything posted by vector

  1. i joined nov 2006 please donate to me.
  2. vector

    Hak5 Darknet

    seems to be working just fine for everyone else. whats not working for you exactly. if youre trying to ssl its on port7000. also due to the nature of some of th things we talk about some of the guys over there are a littl paranoid about new people so just tell them that vector invited you.
  3. vector

    Hak5 Darknet

    i wouldnt mind exchanging ideas in #hak5 but unfortunately i was banned for apparently using /me too many times. i was unaware of the limit. but if anyone would like to get a hold of me i have my own irc server in my sig, usually can find me in #420.
  4. ok sorry if i was sorta being a smartass, but i just thought from your OP that you were trying to solve a heat/space issue. looks like it might be time to upgrade to some bigger harddrives and consolidate your data instead of having more smaller capacity drives.
  5. yeah youre right my bad, i guess buying a couple screws and mounting brackets for a couple bucks would be alot more work than building an entire external case to house some drives.
  6. 95 hours thats it? youre seriously slackin on your interwebs.
  7. vector

    dead usb

    you tried downloading updated drivers from sony?
  8. if they are blocking port 22 your best option would be to tunnel your ssh through port 443 (https) more than likely your school will have 443 outbound open, and encrypted traffic on 443 wont look as suspicious as traffic on 22.
  9. ok now im even more confused. how are you using an AGP card on a motherboard that has no AGP slot?
  10. the simplest thing to do is put torpark on a usb drive, plug into computer and go have fun on the internet.
  11. i think hes referring to the dyndns settings.
  12. um wat? you could mount your harddrives in any of those 12 bays. and if you dont have enough sata ports just get a pci sata controller for like 7 bucks and throw it in one of your open pci slots.
  13. what exact video card are you using? the only ati 2300 that i know of is the 2300 hd mobility and dosnt come in a 32mb.
  14. darkjoker, nice work on that image, i like that shit alot.
  15. i see your fbi and i raise you one C.I.A.
  16. go to "services" in "administration tools" in the control panel and see if you can manually start the terminal services, terminal services configuration, and terminal services usermode port redirector. if that dosnt work it may be an issue with your teredo/ipv6 components or settings.
  17. so something like an antec 1200 still wouldnt be big enough? i mean for around 150 bucks you get a badass looking case with room to spare. it would probably save you alot of time and money and look a lot cleaner. but thats just my opinion.
  18. yes i belive that intel 3945's and later someone correct me if im missing any adapters. you need to enable the wake on lan feature in the system bios, then in windows you can go into the wireless adapter configuration settings under the advanced tab and enable the box that says "allow this device to wake the computer" but this may cause the computer to occasionally wakeup to refresh its network state. but to answer your question yes.
  19. vector


    so if i understand correctly youre trying to connect your laptop to an external bluetooth gps receiver? have you configured the com port settings for the receiver and made sure that they match in netstumbler? also you might try using wifihopper instead, i prefer it to netstumbler.
  20. this would work but then you take up extra space with an extra case, you lose performance by switching them from SATA to usb, and you tap out your usb bandwidth for other devices. not to mention you now would need another psu to power all the drives in the other case. and watercooling 5 drives would probably cost a shitload more than buying a larger case and be a major pain in the ass to setup, assuming theres room in the case.
  21. object desktop ultimate. nuff said. the only limit to what you can do is what you can think of.
  22. i would probably just get a larger case. besides it will leave you more room for a larger gpu board and you wont have some tacky looking external enclosure cluttering up your workspace.
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